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There are four seasons in Europe. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

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Q: How many seasons are there in Europe?
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May is what season in Europe?

Europe has four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

How many seasons are there in Kenya?

2 seasons

How many seasons does the rain forest have?

4 seasons!!

How many pucca seasons are there?

There are three Pucca seasons

How many seasons does Godzilla the series have?

Three seasons.

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The explanations on the four season of europe?

The four seasons in Europe correspond to the seasons in the United States. They are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

What month does summer begin in Europe?

Europe is in the northern hemisphere and has seasons at the same time as in the US. It's the southern hemisphere where the seasons reverse.

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There are four seasons, but the fourth one is only being shown in Europe right now.

May is what season in Europe?

Europe has four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

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When its summer in America what weather is in Europe?

It would be summer because Europe and Asia are in the same hemisphere. They are not on opposite sides of the Earth. Therefore, they both have the same seasons at all times, but the temperatures may be different.

When it is summer in Washington what is it in Europe?

It will also be summer. Both Washington and Europe are in the northern hemisphere and so always have the same seasons.

What season is it in Europe if it is summer in Australia?

It would be winter in Europe if it is summer in Australia. The seasons are opposite in the two hemispheres.

What season is it Asia if it is summer in Europe?

Summer. The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are all the same. The seasons are only different in the two different hemispheres.

If it is summer in Japan what season is it in Europe?

It would also be summer in Europe. Europe and Japan are both in the northern hemisphere so they have the same seasons at the same time.

How many seasons are there in Brazil?

Brazil experiences four distinct seasons: summer, fall, winter, and spring. These seasons are not as pronounced as in some other regions, with the country having a tropical climate in most areas.

How many seasons of entourage will there be?

About 9 seasons.