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Summer. The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are all the same. The seasons are only different in the two different hemispheres.

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Q: What season is it Asia if it is summer in Europe?
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When it is summer in Europe which season is Asia?


When it is summer in Europe what season is in Asia?

It would be summer because Europe and Asia are in the same hemisphere. They are not on opposite sides of the Earth. Therefore, they both have the same seasons at all times, but the temperatures may be different.

What season is it in Asia if it is summer in Europe?

Summer. They are in the same hemisphere so they have the same seasons. Southern Africa, South America and Australia have winter when Europe has summer.

What is the season like in Asia?


What season is it in Europe when it is summer in Illinois?

As both Europe and Illinois are in the northern hemisphere it would be the same season in both of them, so if it was summer in Illinois it would also be summer in Europe.

When it is summer what season is it in Europe?

That depends on where you mean summer is. Europe is in the northern hemisphere, so when it is summer in any other part of the northern hemisphere, then it is summer in Europe. If it is summer in the southern hemisphere, then it is winter in Europe.

What season is it in Europe if it is summer in Australia?

It would be winter in Europe if it is summer in Australia. The seasons are opposite in the two hemispheres.

When is it summer in Europe which season is it in Asia?

If it is in the Northern Hemisphere, then it will have the same seasons, if it is in the Southern Hemisphere it will be opposite. Seasons are not determined by continent but whether or not they are above or below the equator.

When it is summer in Europe, which season is it in Asia?

If it is in the Northern Hemisphere, then it will have the same seasons, if it is in the Southern Hemisphere it will be opposite. Seasons are not determined by continent but whether or not they are above or below the equator.

If it is summer in australia what season is it in asia?

Asia is in the northern hemisphere. Australia is in the southern hemisphere. This means their seasons are the opposite. So summer in Australia is winter in Asia.

When does Asia's wet season occur?

monsoons in the heavy summer

What season is it in Europe when it is summer here in India?

Europe and India are both in the northern hemipshere and so share the same seasons. If it is summer in India, then it is also summer in Europe.