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I'd, say pretty close to forever, as it won't work.

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Q: How many seconds do it take before someone goes to sleep from rubbing rubbing alcohol on a napkin over someones mouth?
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If someone has a tolerance for alcohol will rubbing alcohol make them die?


Can you really knock someone out with rubbing alcohol?

No you cannot.

Can you get drunk from drinking rubbing alcohol?

Drinking rubbing alcohol can be extremely dangerous and can lead to alcohol poisoning, coma, or death. Rubbing alcohol is not meant for consumption and contains toxic substances like methanol which can have severe health effects when ingested. It is important to seek medical help immediately if someone has consumed rubbing alcohol.

What does it mean if someones stoned?

It is usually used to refer to someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

What to do if someone inhaled rubbing alcohol?

Health care professionals use rubbing alcohol on theoi hands all day long, so must inhale some of it & it doesn't cause a problem.

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How do you remove gunpowder from your hands?

Use a alchohol like nail polsh remover or rubbing alcohol but if you shot someone turn yourself in!

What happens if you inject rubbing alcohol?

The chemical name for the material in rubbing alcohol is "isopropyl alcohol" or "isopropanol." The effects of excessive exposure to this chemical include skin flushing, headache, dizziness, nause, and vomiting. It also depresses the central nervous system, causing anesthesia and coma, and in severe situations excess exposure can be fatal. Isopropyl alcohol is converted in the liver to acetone, which will also depress the central nervous system.

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are you stoopid? how can you get a fine for hacking someones facebook.

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No, its not. Tag means to just put someones name in someones picture.

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