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Q: How many segments are there in superior left lung lobe?
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What are each part of your lungs called?

Bronchial Tree- Brings air from the trachea(windpipe) to the alveoli CardiaC Notch- Provides room for the heartLarynx-Contains the vocal cordsDiaphragm-Muscular membrane under the lungsLeft Inferior lobe- Bottom lobe of the lung on the left sideLeft Superior Lobe- Top Lobe of the lung on the left sideRight Inferior Lobe-Bottom lobe of the lung on the right sideRight Middle Lobe-Middle lobe of the lung on the right sideRight Superior Lobe-Top lobe of the lung on the right sideTrachea-Windpipe

What are bronchiopulmonary segments?

Bronchopulmonary segments is the division of the lobe of a lung. Each segment of the lobe is supplied by it's own artery.

How many bronchial segment in the lung?

Each of the tertiary bronchi serves a specific bronchopulmonary segment. These segments each have their own artery. Thus, each bronchopulmonary segment is supplied by a bronchus, and an artery.There are 10 bronchopulmonary segments in the right lung (3 in superior lobe, 2 in middle lobe, 5 in inferior lobe) and 8-10 segments on the left (4-5 in upper lobe, 4-5 in lower lobe). Each segment is separated from the others by a layer of connective tissue.This means that each bronchopulmonary segment is a discrete anatomical and functional unit, and this separation means that a bronchopulmonary segment can be surgically removed without affecting the function of the other segments.

Are the 2 lungs the same?

The left lung only has 2 lobes (superior and inferior) because the heart takes up much of the space allowed on the left side. The right lung; however, has 3 lobes (Superior, Middle, and Inferior). Yes. The left lung is a little less voluminous than the right lung. It has two lobes, whereas the right lung has three. Its volume is displaced a bit more, by the location of the heart, than the right lung.

Which lung is bigger--your right or your left?

Your left lung is smaller. The right lung has three lobes: superior, middle and inferior. The left lung has only two lobes: the superior and inferior. The heart takes up the space that would have otherwise been used for a middle lobe on the left lung.

How do separate the right and left pulmonary segment?

This is probably what u are looking for but however there is a longer explanation to this which i believe u can get in another place and i wont be typing it here.The Left Lung1. It is slender and divided into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) lobes by a long deep oblique fissurewhich extends from its coastal to medial surface.2. The superior lobe has a large cardiac notch on its anterior border.3. The anteroinferior part of the superior lobe has a small tongue-like projection called the lingula.4. The inferior lobe of the left lung is larger than the superior lobe and lies inferoposterior to the oblique fissure.The Right Lung1. The right lung is shorter and wider than the left lung, because the right dome of the diaphragm is higher and the heart and pericardium bulge more to the left.2. It is divided into superior (upper), middle, and inferior (lower) lobes by horizontal and oblique fissures.3. The horizontal fissure separates the superior and middle lobes.4. The oblique fissure separates the inferior lobefrom the superior and middle lobes.5. The superior lobe is smaller than in the left lung, and the middle lobe is wedge-shaped.6. The anterior margin of the right lung is straight, whereas the margin of the left lung has a deep cardiac notch.

How many lobes do the right and left lung have?

The right lung contains three lobes. The left lobe only has two. Because of the heart on the left side, the left lung only has two lobes to make more room for the heart to pump on that side.

Why is it that the right side of the LUNGS is bigger than left side?

Its bigger because the right lung has more lobs then the left lung.

What is the definitions of the right pulmonary vein?

there are two right pulmonary veins right inferior pulmonary vein: the vein returning oxygenated blood from the inferior lobe of the right lung to the left atrium; tributaries include the superior vein and the common basal vein from the right inferior lobe. Syn: vena pulmonalis inferior dextra right superior pulmonary vein the vein returning oxygenated blood from the superior and middle lobes of the right lung to the left atrium; tributaries include apical anterior and posterior veins (branches) from the right superior lobe and the middle lobe vein. Syn: vena pulmonalis superior dextra

Where on each lung are the caudal lobe cranial lobe middle lobe?

Most human beings are born with 1 pair of lungs, a left lung and a right lung. The left lung holds both the cranial and caudal lobes . The right lungs holds the middle, cranial and caudal lobes.

Why does the right lung have 3 lobes and the left have 2?

The left lung does not have a middle lobe, this makes room for the heart.

Can you function with only one left LUNG lobe?
