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from 1 million to 100million sharks are killed eatch year from commercial fishing.

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12y ago

On average 73 million sharks are killed per year.

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Q: How many sharks are killed per year for shark fin soup?
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How many sharks are killed just for their fins for shark fin soup and why is it still legal to sell shark fin soup in the US?

40-100 million sharks annually are killed for all purposes... Difficult to say how many of these shark are destined for shark fin soup

What is hurting shark populations?

Humans! people eat shark fin soup and use shark products for medicines. Also many sharks are killed because of people fearing them.

What is being done to hammerhead sharks?

they r getting killed by humans for shark fin soup

How many sharks are killed?

Dolphins POSSIBLY!!! Dolphins do not intentionally kill sharks because they are a predator. Dolphins are actually the sharks prey. The only time that a dolphin can and will attack a shark is when it feels threatened. Even then all they do is charge at the sharks and, "hit" them with their mouths. Then if the shark was hit hard enough then it'd have a hard time breathing. Then it would possibly die.

How do you help endangered species like the shark?

Campaign to make Shark's Fin Soup illegal in China as the sharks are being killed so that the fins can be made into Sharks Fin Soup. There are so many billions of Chinese that is is afecting the whole World. Change the laws in your country to make it illegal to fish for or kill a shark. Make your country's Navy arrest and impound any foreign fishing vessels that hunt shark and whales.

Who eats hammerhead sharks?

Many humans use hammer shark to make food such as barbatana soup.

What hunts sharks?

people cut off shark's fins and put them in soup (shark fin soup)

How the shark affects people?

many people kill shaks for there leathery skin and fins for shark fin soup, a popular food in china for weddings. About one hundred million sharks are killed each year and six people are killedd each year by sharks. People are terrified of sharks, but it should really be the other way around.

Why are sharks in dangered?

Because of Chinese medicine & Shark Fin soup.

What would your world be like if Sharks were to become extinct?

The world without sharks would mean that there would not be shark skin purses, shark fin soup and no more sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

What species of sharks do they kill for shark fin soup?

Mostly any shark will do, but the bigger the fin the better.

How many sharks are killed every year by people?

I believe about 20,000 are killed every year