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Estimates suggest that there are still millions of people living in conditions of modern slavery in Africa. However, exact numbers are difficult to determine due to the clandestine nature of modern slavery and the challenges in data collection. Efforts are being made by various organizations to address this issue and combat modern slavery in Africa.

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Q: How many slaves are currently in Africa 2017?
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What the slaves in horn of Africa did?

Slaves in the Horn of Africa were used for a variety of tasks, including agricultural work, domestic labor, and military service. They were often traded as commodities and faced harsh conditions, including forced labor, abuse, and exploitation. Many tried to escape or resist their enslavement through various means.

What was the most inhumane part of the triangular trade?

The middle passage was the most inhumane part of the triangular trade, where enslaved Africans were transported from Africa to the Americas in inhumane conditions. They were packed tightly into ships, with many dying from disease, malnutrition, and poor treatment during the long and treacherous journey.

Are black people descendent's of slaves?

While many black people in the United States are descendants of enslaved individuals brought from Africa, it is important to note that not all black individuals are descendants of slaves. Black people have diverse backgrounds and ancestries, including those who immigrated to the US at different points in history or are from countries in Africa, the Caribbean, or other regions.

Did Africa have slavery?

Yes, slavery existed in various forms across Africa historically, including domestic servitude, labor exploitation, and the transatlantic slave trade. Many African societies practiced slavery before and during the colonial period, and some were involved in capturing and selling slaves to European traders.

How did the Atlantic slave trade lead to the stagnation of Africa's culture and economy?

The Atlantic slave trade led to the displacement and loss of many skilled craftsmen and professionals in Africa, destabilizing local economies and traditional societies. This loss of human capital weakened Africa's ability to develop and innovate, leading to a stagnation of its culture and economy as resources were extracted to supply the demand for slave labor.