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According to the book "The Life of Billy Yank" the religion, in the army, was a conventional kind stressing recognized forms and services. The Union Army was a majority of Protestant with a strong leaning toward evangelical denominations, especially Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Catholics were also in plenty especially among the Irish, French and Italian soldiers. Units from large cities also had some Jews. There was a chaplain for each regiment for each post and after May 1862 for hospitals. In volunteer regiments chaplains were selected by vote of the field officers and commanders, approved by the state governor and officially appointed by the War Department. Hospital and post chaplains were chosen by the President. At first there were no qualifications, but after May 4, 1861 an appointee had to be "regularly ordained minister of some Christian denomination". Forms of worship varied, but the usual Sunday service was held in the afternoon to avoid conflict with the weekly inspection in the morning. As far as a specific battle it would have been a mixture of the above for both sides.

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Q: How many soldiers were Christians in the Battle of Gettysburg?
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How many soldiers where in the Battle of Gettysburg?

Nearly 200,000.

How many Union soldiers in the Battle of Gettysburg?

About 91,921.

How many Union soldiers were fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg?

97,000 Union soldiers

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There were about 40,360.

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Around 70,000.

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In the Battle of Gettysburg. The North lost about 23,000 soldiers, and the South lost about 20,400 soldiers.

Are the Gettysburg address and Battle of Gettysburg related?

The Gettysburg Address and the Battle of Gettysburg are related. The Battle of Gettysburg was known as the turning point of the war because so many Confederate soldiers were killed and the Confederates could no longer attempt to fight on Union ground or take the offensive side in a battle. This was because they had so many casualties. The Union had many casualties, too. In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln is recognizing all of the Union soldiers who gave their lives to protect our democracy at Gettysburg by saying they died honorably and not in vain. The Gettysburg address inspired Union soldiers and supporters every and reinforced the idea that our government"of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."

How many soldiers did the confederate side lose in the battle of Gettysburg?

At the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, the Confederate army suffered 28,000 casualties. This figure represents both wounded and killed soldiers.

Results from the Battle of Gettysburg?

High Casualties, Many soldiers retreating, and Confederate Victory.