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Traditionally, two, but I find using just one okay too.

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3d ago

It is common to use one space after a colon or semicolon in text. This helps to improve the readability and visual presentation of the writing.

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Q: How many spaces do you place in text after using a colon or semicolon?
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How many spaces do you put after a semicolon?

When using a semicolon you put one space after the semicolon.

How many spaces after a colon and semicolon?

After a semicolon, there is never more than one space. Spacing after colons (and periods) depends on the style guidelines you're using. Some call for one space, others for two. The most important thing, however, is to be consistent. Use the same spacing after colons as you do after periods throughout the entire document.

Should a semi colon come after parentheses?

If your sentence requires a semicolon, you may, indeed, end up using it after a parenthetical.

Can you put a semicolon before and?

Yes; a semicolon is not typically used before the conjunction "and" in a sentence; it is more commonly used to separate independent clauses.

How many spaces do you put after a colon?

I was taught it was two. A good way to remember this is by counting the dots on it. The colon has two so it has two spaces. A semi colon has only one dot, and it has only one space after it. But this only applies when the name of the punctuation has the word "colon" in it, as when you are counting the dots in a period, you only see one, but after a period, you usually put two spaces unless you are using a wesite address or something of that sort.

Do you capitalize after using a semicolon?

No, you do not capitalize after using a semicolon unless it is the start of a new sentence or a proper noun. The word following the semicolon should be lowercase unless it meets the criteria for capitalization.

How do you correct a run on sentence using a semicolon?

If you have two independent clauses that you don't want to isolate into separate sentences, put a semicolon between them.

When using the words furthermore therefore when do you use a semicolon?

When it shows similarities, ! (:

Can two independent clauses be joined by using a semicolon between the clauses without a conjunction?

Yes, that is one of the most common uses of a semicolon. If there is a conjunction joining the clauses, however, you should use a comma instead of a semicolon.

How do you print the message without using printf and semicolon?

use cout << simple

An example sentence using a colon?

She had one goal for the summer: to improve her tennis skills.

What is an example of a sentence using a semicolon?

In order to separate distinct ideas into two different clauses a semicolon is sometimes used. The poor lady is bereaved; she must be devastated.