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You eat around 12 Spiders a year.

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Q: How many spiders do you eat per year?
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Who many spirders do you eat a year?

I have read that the average person eats about 12 spiders per year in their sleep.

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Is it true that you eat seven spiders year in your sleep?

It's just an urban legend. Realistically, the average number of spiders swallowed at night per person per lifetime is probably less than one.

Is it true that humas eat 8 spiders a year in there sleep?

Well, it's said that the avrage human consumes 80 spiders in their lifetime. So assuming you live to be 80, you will have chanced eating a spider per year.

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There are no regulations about how many you should eat in a year. Probably the less you eat the better it will be for your health. Personally I eat about 3 or 4 hamburgers a year.

How many spiders do humans swallow a year when you are asleep?

A common urban legend passed around via email is that that average person will swallow 8 spiders while sleeping during their lifetime.This is true. It isa "statistic" made up for the sole purpose of being passed around on the internet to gross people out. Although it is disgusting many need spiders to survive.See the related links section for the Snopes article about it.

Do you swallow 8 spiders when your sleeping?

the number is on average, it can change depending on where you live, what you are doing, etc. the most common way you swallow seven spiders a year is that when you are sleeping, they just simply crawl into your mouth :) gross..

How many spiders does the average human really eat?

Very few... Spiders are instinctively terrified of anything that reminds them of predators, i.e. mammals and birds. Therefore, they shy away from body heat, movement, breathing, and other normal signs of a human. Anyway, there aren't many spiders in your bedroom, and those that are are usually in the shadowy corners, not in your bed. For a more detailed source, go to

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