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Q: How many spinal nerves exit the vertebral column?
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Sympathetic nerves exit the CNS through what nerves?

You have sympathetic trunks located by either side of vertebral column. You have thoracolumber out flow for sympathetic system. You do not have nerves for the same.

Where does the sciatic nerve exit?

The sciatic nerves exit the pelvic bone through an opening (greater sciatic foramen) to emerge in the buttock.

The autonomic nervous system contains two branches called the?

The autonomic nervous system also has two divisions: the sympathetic division and the parasympatheticdivision. These two divisions have antagonistic (opposing) effects on the internal organs they innervate (send nerves to act on).The sympathetic division, shown at the left, is the emergency system. It prepares the body to put out energy and to protect it from effects of injury. It shuts the gut down, speeds up the heart, increases blood pressure, dilates (makes bigger) the pupils of the eyes, makes more glucose (blood sugar) available in the blood for energy, etc. Cannon described these reactions as preparation for fight or flight (running away).The parasympathetic division, shown at the right, is the "housekeeping" division. It acts to replace and recover from the activities of living. Its action is (almost always) the opposite of the sympathetic division. It activates the gut for digestion, slows the heart rate, decreases the blood pressure, etc.

What is hplc column volume?

Since an HPLC column is a cylinder, the simplest estimate for the column volume is the equation V=L*pi*r2, where L = length of column (typically 50-250 mm, or 5-25 cm), and r=radius of the column, where typical internal diameters of HPLC columns are 2.1 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, and 4.6 mm. For example, suppose you have a column that is 25 cm long by 4.6 mm internal diameter (ID). Since the ID is in mm, you first convert to cm, then divide by 2 to get 0.23 cm radius. The column volume equation then is: V = 25 * pi * (0.23)2 = 25 * pi * 0.0529 = 1.3225 * pi = 4.15 cm3 From there, you can convert cm3 to mL directly, so your column has a volume of 4.15 mL. However, you must also allow for the relative porosity of the packing material in your column, which is harder to measure. Typically, an unretained analyte will be injected through the column at a known flow rate, and the time it takes for the analyte to exit the column is used to determine a better approximation of column volume. In the case of using an unretained analyte (which in reversed-phase HPLC, the analyte might be Uracil), using the same 25 cm by 4.6 mm column above and a 1 mL/min flow rate, suppose the analyte elutes from the column at 3.2 minutes. The column volume would then be 3.2 minutes * 1.0 mL/min = 3.2 mL, which does not agree with the calculated column volume. This is due to the fact that the particles in the column take up some of the volume of the column, so the total column volume is reduced by the amount of space they take up.

Does the sciatic nerve run down the left and right leg?

The "sciatic nerve" are actually a pair of nerves, one to the left leg and one to the right. They exit the spine in the lumbar region. The nerves tend to get inflamed by the muscles or spinal compression with pain radiating down the affected leg. Miserable....

Related questions

What provides a passageway for spinal nerves to exit the vertebral column and travel to other parts of the body?

intervertebral foramina

Openings provide exit of spinal nerves?

The spinal nerves exit from the vertebral column through openings between adjacent vertebrae. These openings, called intervertebral foramina, are located just in front of the facet joints. They exit from what are called intervertebral foramina (foramen means opening).

What are the openings providing for exit of spinal nerves?

Vertebral foramen are the spaces between adjacent vertebrae where the spinal nerves exit the spinal canal.

Sympathetic nerves exit the CNS through what nerves?

You have sympathetic trunks located by either side of vertebral column. You have thoracolumber out flow for sympathetic system. You do not have nerves for the same.

What is the correct sequence of nerves that exit the spinal cord?

cervical spinal nerves, thoracic spinal nerves, lumbar spinal nerves, sacral spinal nerves

What openings for exit of spinal nerves?


With marked narrowing of the neural foramina?

The Neural Foramen are grooves in the vertebra, just behind the vertebral body that the nerves that branch off the spinal cord exit the spinal canal from. If they are grossly patent they are open, and free from obstruction, so there is no compression of the nerves that course through these channels.

What is the spinal cord terminus?

Not much information here in context to efficiently answer the question but I will try. The spinal cord generally ends (terminates) around the L1 vertebral level in the lumbar spinal column give or take a level or so in normal humans. After this, small spinal nerves continue down in a sac and exit the lumbar and sacral spine to innervate the pelvis and lower extremities.

What provides openings for the exit of spinal nerves?

Intervertebral Foramina

What does foraminotomies mean?

Foraminotomies are surgical procedures aimed at widening the passageways where nerves exit the spinal column, known as the foramina, in order to relieve pressure on compressed nerves. This can help alleviate symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness caused by conditions like herniated discs or bone spurs.

What can be the origin of back pain?

It may originate from the bones and ligaments forming the spine, the muscles and tendons supporting the back, the nerves that exit the spinal column, or even the internal organs.

Opening providing for exit of spinal nerves?

Intervertebral foramina. The left an right pedicles have notches on their inferior and superior surfaces that create openings, the intervertebral foramina, for spinal nerves to leave the spinal cord between adjacent vertebra. -human a&p lab manual, E. Marieb and S. Mitchell copyright 2011, 2008, 2006 Pearson Ed.