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PTSD and symptoms varies due to all different types of situations that cause the trauma in the first place. It may come from things such as a serious accident, a serious car accident, physical or sexual abuse, seeing someone die or be killed etc. In my case it was a serious car accident. But a person would need a medical diagnosis by a qualified professional to determine PTSD. Ones may experience mood swings, being irritable for what seems like no reason, even withdrawal away from family and friends. They may have flashbacks, nightmares, dreams of dying or being killed. They may lose interest in all the things they used to enjoy. I sympathize with anyone in this situation because I walked in those shoes. It may take years to recover or you may never completely. But as my doctor puts it, you will have a new normal after diagnosis and treatment. Things will look good again.

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What are the most common symptoms for PTSD?

The three main types of symptoms of PTSD are re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoiding reminders of the trauma, and increased anxiety and emotional arousal.

What are some symptoms of PTSD?

There are several different symptoms of PTSD. PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, can happen when a person experiences a traumatic event. Some symptoms of this can be, reliving the experience of the trauma over and over, avoiding anything that may remind one of the trauma, or being overly anxious and emotional.

What are some common symptoms of PTSD?

Common symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks or intrusive thoughts related to the traumatic event, avoidance of situations that remind the individual of the trauma, hyperarousal (such as exaggerated startle response or difficulty sleeping), negative changes in mood and thoughts, and feelings of numbness or detachment.

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There are many symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. Some of these symptoms may include outbursts of hostility, aggressive behavior, flashbacks of the traumatic event, sleep problems, behavioral changes, sweating, nausea, and many more. It is best to talk to your friend to try and understand her condition and perhaps accompany her along to a Doctor visit so you can learn and understand more symptoms of PTSD.

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Symptoms of PTSD in a war child may include recurrent nightmares, flashbacks, hyperarousal, avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event, emotional numbness, and difficulty sleeping. Children may also exhibit behavior changes, such as aggression, irritability, or withdrawal. It's important to seek professional help if you suspect a child is experiencing PTSD.

What are some of the symptoms of PTSD?

Symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety or panic attacks, avoidance of triggers, negative changes in thinking and mood, and heightened reactivity. These symptoms can persist for months or years after the traumatic event.

What are the symptoms of ptsd?

Some of the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder are have upsetting thoughts and memories about your traumatic event. Avoidance of those thoughts and feelings. Also having a difficult time sleeping or bursts of anger.

Which PTSD symptoms causes a person to suddenly become angry or irritable?

Feeling Keyed Up

Did J.R.R Tolkien suffer from PTSD?

He had symptoms of it. Like outbursts of rage or speech and flashbacks of memories.

What are the four type of ptsd SYMPTOMS?

The four main types of PTSD symptoms are re-experiencing (flashbacks, nightmares), avoidance (avoiding reminders of the trauma), negative changes in beliefs and feelings, and hyperarousal (feeling jumpy, easily startled).

How do you tell if someone has ptsd?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event. Symptoms includes Avoiding reminders of the trauma, Increased anxiety and emotional arousal.

Do I have PTSD I didn't know because I had some symptoms but can you get PTSD by witnessing someone being struck by lightning?

You could get PTSD from someone being struck by lightning if you were there for the eperience I guess. I have PTSD from someone abusing me a lot of my childhood, symptoms including agitation when having an attack, wanting to be isolated, avoiding the person at all costs, nightmares and night terrors, depression, and a lot of anxiety. There are more symptoms, so if you think you may have it, you may want to go see your doctor or look up ways to help when having attacks. Hope this helped.