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Q: How many tassels does the Tallit have?
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Why is the tallit worn?

A Tallit has tassels on each of its four corners. These tassels are supposed to have some white and some sky-blue (Techelet) threads. We have lost the tradition have to produce these sky-blue threads. To remind us that they are supposed to be there, the Tallit has stripes on it.

When Jewish men die do they get buried with their tallit?

Yes, but the neckband and tassels are removed.

What is the significance of the tassels on the tallit?

The tassels will serve as reminders, and each time you see them you will remember all my commands and obey them; then you will not turn away from me and follow your own wishes and desires. The tassels will remind you to keep all my commands, and you will belong completely to me." (Numbers 15 : 38 - 40)

Why is there no blue thread on the tassel of this tallit as it is written in the Bible?

You're asking about "tekhelet", the blue thread on the tassels. It's mentioned in the Jewish Bible, but you can also buy it at Jewish stores.

What are the fringes called on the tallit?

First of all, the term fringes is a bit misleading since a tallit almost always has a decorative fringe along the two sides. A better term is tassels, which are tied to all four corners of the tallit. They are called tzitzit (or tzitzis or tsitsit or tsitsis) and they are the tallit's raison d'etre. Tzitzits are a biblical requirement for Jewish men when wearing a four-cornered garment. Since four-cornered garments are rarely worn today, Orthodox Jews have a custom of wearing a tallit during prayer and a special garment under (sometimes over) their shirt throughout the day in order to surround themselves with tzitzits. The reason for the commandment of tzitzits is to serve as a constant reminder of the 613 mitzvahs (biblical commandments).

When was Tassels in the Air created?

Tassels in the Air was created in 1938.

How do you say Tallit in Hebrew?

Tallit is a Hebrew word. It is spelled (טלית).

How many tassles are in a tallit?

There are 16 tassels (tzitzit strings) on a tallit - four attached to each corner - but it looks like 32. Why? Because when the four tzitzits are inserted into each corner one end of each string hangs down one side and the other end hangs down the other side, so that a casual glance reveals eight strings on each corner, when in fact there are just four. For a detailed explanation of how tzitzits are tied, see "Do-It-Yourself Tzitzit Tying" in the related links:

Where can one find videos tutorials about making tassels?

YouTube has several video tutorials about making tassels. How to Make Tassels has a detailed website about this project. Tammy Mitchell Photography also has a video about making tassels.

What is a tallit clip?

It is a small double clip, connected with a chain, that helps hold the tallit on.

What is the Hebrew name for prayer shawl?

The Hebrew name for the 'prayer shawl' is 'tallit'. Many Jews of European decent also refer to the tallit as a 'tallis'. Jewish people do not call it a prayer shawl.The tallit is traditionally worn only by men (and in some synagogues, only married men) for morning prayer services. The only time when a tallit is worn for evening prayers is on Yom Kippur.

What is the Hebrew word forTallit?

Tallit is the Hebrew word for tallit. The English term is "prayer shawl."