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While wild felines such as Leopards and Lions abound. the word Cat and the domestic feline implied is nowhere to be found in the Holy Writ. The popular legend of the Christ Child and the stable cat is after all, a pious myth=allegdly explaining why Tabby Cats have (M) markings (for St.Mary) on their foreheads. some leopards and white tigers have these too. no connection.

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Q: How many times is cat mentioned in the Bible?
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How many times does the bible mention the cat?

The actual word "cat" is not in the King James Version of the Bible. However, specific types of large cats, such as the lion and the tiger, are mentioned. Domesticated cats are not mentioned in the Bible, although they did exist in ancient Egypt.

Is the word cat in the Bible?

No, the word "cat" is not mentioned in the Bible.

What is the only domestic pet not mentioned in the Bible?

hamster, gerbil, cat, ferret among others

What is the most domesticated animal not mentioned in the bible?

In the King James version the word - cat - does not appear at all.

Cat-o'-nine-tails in the Bible 39 times?

yes it can

Who isa the cat that chasses twetty?

As mentioned innumerable times on this site, among others, the bird's name is Tweety, and the cat's name is Sylvester.

What is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the Bible?

The domestic cat occurs no where in Scripture. the juvenile story- The Christ Child and the Stable cat- is an unsupported legend. the M- marking, if true, would have only effefected that particular cat.

What animal is not mentioned in the Bible?

The Bible does not mention any specific mention of animals like kangaroos. The absence of certain animals in biblical texts may be due to geographical and cultural factors, as the Bible primarily focuses on the flora and fauna found in the regions around the Mediterranean Sea.

Why are cats not mentioned in the Bible?

Because there is no need. The Bible is a guide for us humans, The word of God, and it is meant for us. Cats do not need to know how to get to heaven. Yes, they do mention other animals but not in the way one would think of mentioning a cat. Cats can be precious to us but they are not a necessity. The Bible is filled with things we should and need to know, it is a very important book and there is simply no reason for it to be mentioned in the Bible if it were then they would be mentioned.... hope that helps =)

How many times can a cat eat?

As many times as much the cat wants to eat, although house cats are usually fed two to three times a day to prevent the cat overeating.

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How many cats are in Harry Potter?

As far as I can remember, two cats are mentioned: Hermione's cat, and Professor Minerva McGonnagal, an animagus who can turn into a cat.