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Q: How many times should you trim your fingernails?
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Why does it take only 10 minutes to trim fingernails but over 1 hour to trim toenails?

Because you're doing it wrong. Answer: Maybe you're too fussy and you're trying to trim them as short as possible. Anyway, 1 hour is bad, but it's not as bad as the last time I trimmed my toenails, which took an incredible 4 hours! I had to stop several times, to stretch and relax my sore legs from being hunched over for so many hours. I don't know why it would take anybody 10 minutes to trim fingernails let alone an hour or more for toenails... It should only take maybe 2 minutes to trim your fingernails.

Is bodytrim dangerous for body?

No it is not. Think of it this way... you need to trim you toe nails including fingernails. You should also trim your hair every 6 months. People may not want to trim their nails or hair, but they should. Including all of this, body trim is healthy for your body.

What is something you trim?

hair or a tree FAMILY FEUD: Hair Mustache Bushes Fingernails

Trim Your Fingernails Before Using a Touchscreen Computer ?

Most people do not realize that they should trim their fingernails before they use a touchscreen computer, but this really is a good idea. You will be touching the computer quite often, and you do not want to scratch the screen. If you do, there will not be any way to fix the scratch. You will be forced to purchase a brand new screen, or you will have to buy a new computer altogether.

How can you make your fingernails longer faster?

Trim them reguarly (obviously letting them get longer each time)

Do not trim bushes?

Yes, you should trim bushes

Why do we have fingernails?

there is no real need for fingernails our ancestors like rats possoms and monkeys had nils to fight and open fruit as we evolved our nails grew shorter and now we still use them to peel oranges fingernails are for helping us peel fruight and dig and help us grip

When should you trim nandina?

Early spring. You can trim up to 1/3 of the stalks, and trim from the ground up.

Should you preshrink trim and zippers?

yes you should

What time of the year should you trim your English ivy Ground Cover?

If you must trim it do it in the Spring.

What is the most unhygienic place in the world?

The most unsanitary place on the human body is under the tips of your fingernails. Because we touch so many different things, even if we wash our hands regularily, the fingernails tend to accumulate bacteria. That is why it is best to trim your nails so they are short. Long nails can be a breeding ground for staph and strep bacteria that can make you, or other people, sick.

How should you trim a horse?

safety scissors