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Q: How many tons can you haul with a quad axle?
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How many tons can a tri-axle dump truck haul?

Varies by state and what they'll allow with each additional life axle. When I ran dumps in North Carolina, a tri-axle could typically haul 16 - 17 tons. In some states, I've seen them legally haul 20.

How many dump trucks will you need to hall 200 tons?

That depends on the configuration of the dump truck(s), and what your state allows for tri-axle, quad axle, etc. dumps. If you're just using tandem dump trucks, the federal weight limit is 54,000 lbs. You'd be good for about 15 tons per truck. In North Carolina, a quad axle could haul 18 tons on primary roads, and 20 tons on secondary roads. What is allowed for tri-axle, quad axle, quint axle, and centipedes varies by state. If you're using single axle trucks, there's some variables here, as well. If it's a non-CDL truck, rated at 26,000 lbs., those are good for about five tons each, while a 33,000 lb. CDL truck is good for about eight.

Trailer axle rating is 45000 pounds how many tons can they haul?

a ton is 2000 pounds so divide 45000/2000 so 22.5 tons

How many tons does a 2013 Freightliner Cascadia semi weigh?

About 8-1/2 for a regular, three axle line haul truck.

How many tons of crush and run will a quad axle dump truck carry?

Varies by state and state laws. In North Carolina, it's typically 17 - 19 tons.

How many tons can a sterling dump truck carry?

Anywhere from 5 to 25 tons, depending on model, configuration (e.g., single axle, tandem, tri-axle, quad axle, quint axle, 'centipede', "superdump', etc.), state and federal bridge laws, and type of road it's on (as many states allow higher weights on secondary roads than on the Interstate).

What is the maximum capacity of a quad axle dump truck?

Varies by state to state. In North Carolina, it's typically 16 - 18 tons, legally.

How much dirt in weight can a dump truck hold?

Depends on configuration. Five tons for a single with a GVWR of 26,000 is about normal, eight tons for a single axle with a GVWR of 33,000 is about the norm, 13-14 tons interstate and 15 tons on secondary roads is typical for a tandem axle dump truck, a tri-axle maybe 16 or 17 tons, 18 Interstate and 20 secondary for a quad, up to 25 for a centipede, superdump, or tractor-trailer end dump.

How many tons can a dump truck hold?

Dump trucks come in many sizes and configurations. Additionally, vehicle weight laws vary greatly between countries. We would have to have some idea of what configuration and jurisdiction you had in mind. Configurations of dump trucks would include single axle, tandem axle, tandem axle with twin steer, tri-axle, quad axle, quint axle, centipede, tractor-trailer end dump, etc.

How many tons of gravel can you haul in a 74 pinto?

About 1/4 ton.

Shauna's truck can handle up to 2 tons of weight She wants to haul 3500 pounds of wood How many tons of wood is that Can she haul all of it at once?

1 ton = 2000 lbs So Shauna has 3500/2000 or 1.75 tons So she could haul all of it at one time.

How many tons are in a two ton truck?

uh.... 2? It just means the truck can safely haul 2 tons.