

How many transgenders?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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14y ago

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This is a vague question, I am going to assume it is asking how many are there. It is thought that there are between 30,000 and 50,000 MtF transsexuals who have coompleted transition and more than that who haave not. The number who desire it is thought to be 1 in 500 in both genders.

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There are transgenders everywhere. But they are rare in the middle east (ex Saudi Arabia) where in some countries it is illegal or "against God" and so a lot of gays, transgenders, etc are at risk of being stoned to death. But yes, there are probably Transgenders in Alaska.

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That depends on the individual person.

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The GBLT is the Society for Gays, Bi-Sexuals, Lesbians and Transgenders. According to USA Today in October 2012 3.4% of US Citizens are Gay,Bi-sexual, Lesbian and Transgenders.

How prevalent is transgenderism?

Transgenderism is not very prevalent. It is also not easy to track because many transgenders do not want to talk about their feelings. It has been estimated that roughly 1 in 2000 people might feel as if they are the "wrong" gender. Most transgenders do not choose surgery and undergo permanent gender change, but simply live as the opposite gender.

What celebrities are transgenders?

No one who has those answers, will tell you. The question is rude and insensitive.

What are your beliefs on transgenders?

Transgenders are born that way. They share the same hopes and dreams as the rest of us and should be given full rights and protection as we all have. I believe that more people in society at least in the U.S. are learning to accept them.

What is the thirunangai?

thirunangai's are how the transgenders are called as in tamil nadu indian...they are also know as the hijras

What kind of a person is being attracted to transgenders if you are straight get a woman and if you are homo get a man so with whom the transgenders have sex?

For the most part, it is men who can't admit to themselves that they are gay. I don't understand how they manage to do it when they are on the bottom, but some people can make themselves believe anything.