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Q: How many trees have been cut down in the past 15 years?
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How many trees in Madagascar have been cut down?

There is about 4.5 billion trees cut down each year and for every 28 trees cut down only 1 tree is planted.

How many trees have humans chopped down pear year?

100 trees have been chopped down in a year

How many trees have been cut down in Idaho?

the answer to that is 500,000

What does math have to do with trees?

math can allow humans to find out how many trees have been cut down.

How many acres of forest have been cut down worldwide per year over the last 15 years?

An acre of trees are being cut down almost ever 3 seconds.

Why should lumbar companies leave some trees when cutting them down to make various products?

In the US, unless land is being cleared for construction or agriculture, lumber companies have been required for many years to either leave "seed trees" to promote growth of new trees, or to replant the land with seedling trees. That is where you will get the new generation of trees.

How long has the alessi been around?

it has been around for many many years and has been passed down the family

Why are the forests cut down?

Because we use their wood, and their different things to make most of what we have today. although we are trying to stop most of the deforestation, or at least replant the trees. although it takes many, MANY years for it to grow back. Usually they never grow the trees back.

What is the cause of fewer trees being available?

Many of the earth's have been cut down by humans, less trees now exist due to human activity (we have cut trees down for use or to make room for our buildings and parks, and protected certain trees from being cut down by protecting them in a wildlife reserve).

How many trees are cut down for electricity?

Unlimated trees

How many years or days has the Titanic been down in water?

99 years , it's 2011

How many trees were cut down in 2011 in the philipppines?

about 50,000 trees