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Q: How many troops did Germany deploy in World War 1?
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How many troops did Serbia deploy in World War 2?

frick them because they liked nazis

How many US troops are stationed in Germany?

There are approximately 68,000 US Troops stationed in Germany.

How many US troops were stationed in Germany in 1980?

Since the end of the Second World War to the present day.

How many troops does Germany have today?

they have today about, 500,000 special forces troops

How many troops where used in the Cambodian invasion?

Troops on the ground, were told approximately 32,000 US GI's were to penetrate approximately 21 miles and to re-deploy from Cambodia after 60 days had elapsed.

How many troops did Germany have during the war?

400 0000

How many troops did the US Germany and Japan have in World War 2?

The total number of troops supplied by those nations was well over 7 million, on the low end. Probably more.

How many allied soldiers and Germans fought on d day?

156,000 ally troops 125,000 germany troops

How many troops did Russia mobilize in World War 1?

Germany mobilized 13.25 million troops in World War 1. Surprisingly this was more than Russia did, but by a small margin. Still, based of Russia's population, one might believe Russia would have had a greater number than Germany.

How many troops from India fought in World War 1?

yes they were in world war 2 because they helped the Americans

How did the advantage in mobilized forces help the Western Allies defeat Germany in World War 1?

By 1918, Germany and her allies had taken so many casualties the end of World War One could have been predicted. Germany had exhausted its manpower resources. For example, between 1914 and 1918, the Western allies had mobilized 47 million troops. Germany and her allies could only generate 25 million troops. To a large extent, this troop advantage gave the allies an edge.

How many american troops in World War 2?

Around 16 Million US troops were deployed during World War 2.