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Q: How many turtles eggs in a nest?
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Are turtles born in eggs?

Turtles lay eggs and therefore they 'hatch'. Turtles mate at sea and when the eggs are ready to be laid, the female comes ashore and digs a shallow nest in warm sand near the shore. She then returns to the water and never returns to the nest. After incubation the baby turtles hatch, scramble up out of the nest sand and make their way into the water.

How many eggs do turtle lay a year?

The average sea turtle may lay 110 eggs in a nest. But there are several species of turtle, withFlatback turtles laying approximately 50 eggs, and hawksbills, which may lay over 200 eggs in a nest.

Why do sea turtles lay eggs in a crocodile's nest?

To feed off of the droppings.

Do mother box turtles return to the nest after laying her eggs?

No, she cares less about the babies. She will even eat them when they hatch. That is why we separate baby turtles from adult turtles...even before they are born.

How are baby sea turtles born and nourished?

They are born in eggs on the beach in a nest made of sand

Where do turtles lay eggs?

Typically, turtles lay eggs in summertime on beaches. Go to Fort Lauderdale, FL in July and you just might see a nest on the beach!

How many eggs do turtles lay in one season?

I was doing some research on turtles and came across this answer. The female turtle will deposit 50-200 ping pong shaped balls into the nest she has made for them. Hope this answer helps you!

What is a eastern box turtles life cycle?

Egg, Hatch, Nest, Mate, Lay Eggs, then Die

Does turtle builds nest?

They don't build a 'nest' as such. The female simply digs a hole in soft earth, deposits her eggs, then covers them over. The eggs stay warm enough underground to develop into baby turtles - that dig themselves out when they hatch.

What do you call a group of sea turtles?

Typically they're considered a bale, sometimes a nest.

How many eggs do turtles lay?

1 to 23 at a time depending location

What are some sea turtle facts?

a sea turtle adult female is swimming to get to the nest to lay her eggs into the nest she had made the day before. when the sea turtle reaches the beach it will find it's way to the nest they had made, then it will lay it's eggs and go back into the ocean. when meanwhile the eggs in the nest are sitting there if the nest there mother made is warm, the eggs will turn out to be girls and if it's cold then the eggs will turn out to be boys. when the eggs hatch they haft to begin a long walk to the ocean. the mother lays a clutch of 105 eggs and most of the time only 80% of the babies make it to the ocean, the ways they can die along the way are, seagulls can catch them in there mouths, and crabs can attack them.