

How many types of classes are found in java?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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1.Outer Classes

2. Inner Classes

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Q: How many types of classes are found in java?
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How many classes should be included in each java file?

You can only have one non-inner public classes per java file and that class name must match the filename. The java file can also have any number of inner classes and anonymous classes.

How many pre-built or predefined classes are there in JAVA?

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There are many different types of Java programs. a. Simple Standalone applications - They are simple java programs that have a bunch of classes and have a starting class that has a main method b. UI Based Applications - These are UI based applications built using AWT or Java Swings c. J2EE Web Applications - These are web based applications that can be run in a web browser. They are coded using technologies like servlets, jsp, hibernate, spring etc.

What are the types of non primitive in java?

There are 8 primitive data types: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, charany other data type in Java can be considered non primitive data type.Ex: StringString data type can also be known as the primitive data type because it is already provided by the Java language, since it is not a data type but its a class, but as we know that we can use the classes as types for the variables/instance variables, as we use while creating an object of any class, hence the classes that we create and use them as a datatype are known as non-primitive datatype....for any query, mail me on or call me on +92-331-350-6956.....

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In main memory how many bits num variable will hold?

That depends on the programming language, and on the specific data type. Java, for example, has integers of different sizes; for example, an int uses 4 bytes, and a long uses 8 bytes. It also has shorter integer data types. Java also has different types of floating point numbers; for example, a double uses 8 bytes, and a float uses 4 bytes. Java also has classes for arbitrary-precision math (classes BigInt and BigMath); in this case, the size in memory for a number will vary, depending on the number of digits.That depends on the programming language, and on the specific data type. Java, for example, has integers of different sizes; for example, an int uses 4 bytes, and a long uses 8 bytes. It also has shorter integer data types. Java also has different types of floating point numbers; for example, a double uses 8 bytes, and a float uses 4 bytes. Java also has classes for arbitrary-precision math (classes BigInt and BigMath); in this case, the size in memory for a number will vary, depending on the number of digits.That depends on the programming language, and on the specific data type. Java, for example, has integers of different sizes; for example, an int uses 4 bytes, and a long uses 8 bytes. It also has shorter integer data types. Java also has different types of floating point numbers; for example, a double uses 8 bytes, and a float uses 4 bytes. Java also has classes for arbitrary-precision math (classes BigInt and BigMath); in this case, the size in memory for a number will vary, depending on the number of digits.That depends on the programming language, and on the specific data type. Java, for example, has integers of different sizes; for example, an int uses 4 bytes, and a long uses 8 bytes. It also has shorter integer data types. Java also has different types of floating point numbers; for example, a double uses 8 bytes, and a float uses 4 bytes. Java also has classes for arbitrary-precision math (classes BigInt and BigMath); in this case, the size in memory for a number will vary, depending on the number of digits.

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sizeof is not a keyword in Java but many classes have size() or length() methods, which can mean the number of elements, characters, etc. depending on the class.

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Where is it possible to download Sun Java?

There are many websites that run on a Java format and downloading Sun Java can help that. The download can be found through the Java website and through Oracle.