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Q: How many us forces were sent to fight in the mex American war where did they go to fight?
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The King of EnglandThe British sent Hessian forces to fight the American colonists during the Revolutionary War, which took part in the later half of the 1700s. It is estimated that the Hessians made up a quarter of British forces used in America.

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Towards the end of the war North Korea was in the brink of loosing the war. China sent over a million troops to fight off the american and the UN forces.

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In the Western territories to fight the Native American tribes.

How did the liberty of Congress help to fight against negative stereotypes about African-Americans at the Paris world fair?

It sent many books by African American authors. APEX

What was the US army that was sent to Europe to fight in the war called?

They were called the Allied Forces along with the Royal forces. There were many companies and regiments that went to fight and they all had different names and numbers. The most popular became the 101st and 82nd Airborne, the 8th and 9th Army Air Corps, The tank regiments and all the infantrymen. These were the American favorites. I don't know which of the Royal Forces were their favorites or most victorious.

President kennedy sent special forces troops to advise what groups on more effective ways to fight communist forces?

President Kennedy sent special forces troops, known as Green Berets, to advise and train South Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam War. These troops were sent to help the South Vietnamese government and military fight against communist forces in order to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.

How many soldiers were sent to fight in the war?

49 000 soldiers were sent to fight in the Vietnam war.

American Expeditionary Force?

(AEF) included men from widely separated parts of the country brought to Paris to fight

What was the name of the American Troops during World War 1?

The American Expeditionary Forces or AEF were the United States Armed Forces sent to Europe in World War I.

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