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Real vampires - zero (0)

Imaginary vampires - all the rest.

Vampires are not real, they do not exist, they are creatures of fiction and folklore.

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Q: How many vampires are in the world?
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Related questions

How many vampires are there in modern world?


Who saw vampires first?

Vampires are mythological creatures that were invented by many different cultures in the world.

How many vampires lie in the world?

actually,all of of them...

How many vampires are in the twilight series?

There are about 50 vampires in the twilight series and twilight is the best movie in the world (better that Harry Potter).

Where around the world do vampires habitat?

There is no such thing as Vampires.

How many vampires are there left in the world?

The last census place the number of vampires in this country at 2314 - however this number is believed to be an under-estimate as most vampires tend to conceal their existence.

Do vampires really exist in your world if yes then where can you find them?

I live in India and I'm reading many books about vampires. I think they really exist.

Can anyone help me name a city that has to do with vampires?

Vampires can exist in any city in the world -- that is, if you believe in vampires!

How many vampires are left in this world?

they are far more common than you may think

What are the places vampires live around the world?

Vampires can live anywhere.

Is there vampires in the world that are real?


Are there any vampires in World of Warcraft?

No, there are no vampires, either as a Playable race/cast or as an NPC.