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There are 6,666 aya's (verses) in the holy Qura'an :)

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Q: How many verses were revealed in the first revelation of the Holy Quran?
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Where was the first revelation of Islam?

The first verses of the Quraan to be revealed was the first verses of surah Iqraa. It was revealed to Muhammed via Gabriel in the cave of Hira which is situated in a mountain at the outskirts of Mecca. Answer: The first word revealed in the "Quran" , Holy book of Muslims, is "Iqraa". This means "Read"

When were the first verses of the quran revealed to Muhammad wife?

The first verses of the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel in the cave of Hira in 610 CE while he was meditating. His wife, Khadija, was the first person he confided in about the revelation, and she became one of his strongest supporters.

What was the first written revelation of Islam?

The first verses of Sura Alaq were revealed to the holy Prophet-saw. The Qur'an was the first written text of Islam.

What is the first surah revealed in madinah?

The first revelations of the holy Quran were the first five verses of surat Al-alaq (The clot). Those verses were revealed in the cave of Hira, Makkah.

What did Muhammad believe the angel Gabriel was asking him to d?

A prophet, by the way i am 11 years old and i know that!

When was the Prophet Muhammad turned in to a prophet?

By Allah (God in English) revelation of first verses of Quran to the prophet through the angel Gabriel (Jibril) in year 610 AD.

Is it true that quran was first revealed on 17Th day of Ramadan?

27 th day Of Ramadan started the revelation of Quran.This day it have a special name it is called "Kadr night"

What is the first verse in holy Quran?

There are 6236 verses in the Quran (7 verses in the first chapter with Bismillah included but with Bismillah not included for other surahs), otherwise with including all Bismillah at the beginning of all chapters then there are 112 + 6236 = 6348 verses[hint: Bismillah is an Arabic expression that means in the name of Allah and is mentioned in the beginning of all the 114 Quran chapters except one chapter. It is not considered a verse of any Quran chapter except the first chapter]

What is the first name of Qur'an?

The first surah that was revealed was Surah 'Alaq. Initially first five verses were revealed followed by a hiatus. These verses were revealed in cave of Hira. Angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) came to Prophet in form of human said, "Iqra" meaning "read". Prophet said, "I can't read." Angel Gabriel said again, "Iqra.". Prophet replied the same. After three attempts, Gabriel squeezed Prophet and recited the first five verses.

Is bismiram the fist ayah in the quran?

yes. it is in the first of all verses of Quran unless one verse.

First verse of Quran was revealed of Sura?


The revelation of the Quran to Mohamed by the Angel Jibril?

Answer Prophet Mohamed (peace upon him) was born in Mecca (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in year 570 AD. The first revelation of Quran by God to him was in year 610 by Angel Gabriel (Jibril). Quran revelation continued until death of prophet Mohamed in year 632. The revelation of quran over this long period (around 22 years) allowed Muslims to memorize Quran verses by heart besides writing them down). The Quran chapters and verses were recited and reviewed by prophet Mohamed together with Angel Gabriel once a year (except last year, it was twice). Millions of Muslims in the world are memorizing the Quran (as a whole or in part) and this explains the reason that Quran is the same version every where in the world and at any time with no even one letter difference.(Mohamed may be spelled Mohammed or Mohammad or Muhammad or Muhammed) l