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Two. They participated in the Korean War (obviously) and they sent a few troops to support the Viet Cong side in the Vietnam War.

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Q: How many wars has North Korea been in?
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How many people died during the Vietnam war in North Korea?

Korea and Vietnam were separate wars.

What types of unlimited government do North Korea and Libya have?

North Korea is a dynastic communist state. Libya was, until 2011, an autocracy. Since 2011, it has been embroiled in civil wars and had no consistent governing authority.

Why wasn't Vietnam and Korea wars for The US?

They were police actions. Had the invasions been approved by congress, they would have been wars.

Why did Korea choose isolation?

HUH? Last time Korea was isolated was right after the Opium Wars in China. They didn't want the same thing to happen in Korea. South Korea never had a policy of isolation. If you're talking about North Korea, If life sucks as bad as it does in North Korea, would you like your people to know that people outside of North Korea actually have 3 meals a day? North Korea is so successful in isolation, people in North Korea think they are better off than the people in South Korea.

How were North and South Korea divided?

It's because of wars. I think it's when the Chinese invaded Korea and when the U.S. army helped us

How many labor camps are there in north Korea?

There was 5 maybe. In the wars like WWI and WWII. Most Japaneese was taken to the labour camp. Hope this answer you question!

How many Koreans emigrated from Korea during their Korean War?

Very few, most "South" Koreans (mostly females) immigrated to the US as "war brides" (as in most US wars). South Korea didn't fall to the North as South Vietnam fell to North Vietnam...consequently there wasn't the mass exodus from the Korean War as their had been from the Vietnam War.

How many wars have N Korea and S Korea had?

One war which is still on hold to this day due to the armistice.

Why did the US become involved in the Korean wars?

Because if the North over ran/took over the south there would have been another Communist country to worry about. also North were killing innocent people. remember THE UN / alot of nations were involved in Protecting the South Korea had been invaded in WWII by the Japenese. US forces occupied part of Korea helping the South Koreans recover from WWII. When North Korea invaded South Korea US forces assisted in their defense until UN Forces arrived as well as more US Military aid.

Did the north fight in wars?

If you mean the northern states, they fought in the Civil War. Other than that one time, the US has always been united. Any wars which involved the north, involved the entire US. The US has, of course, fought in two world wars and many other wars.

Why did war break out in Korea?

The cold war NEVER turned hot. If it did, there would have been a WW3...a nuclear World War Three. There were two hot "Battles" of the cold war; the Korean War and the Vietnam to conventional weapons only (no nukes allowed). That's why they were called LIMITED WARS.

How is the Cold War different from other wars Ex World War 2 and the Revolutionary War?

The cold war included no actual combat. It was fought with threats of nuclear warfare. Also fought with "proxy" wars. (Vietnam and Korea) The soviets supported North Korea, and the US supported South Korea. These were wars fought between the two countries through other countries.