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The mini-fridge I have states the following as it's maximum power usage: 120 Volts @ 60Hz, and 0.75A The formula for power (watts) is: W = V * I However this is an AC system so you are actually computing VA (volt-amperes), but the difference in this case is negligible. So if we plug our numbers into the formula we get the following: W = 120 * 0.75A Which yields 90 VA which in this case can be taken as 90 Watts. This is about the same amount of energy as an standard light bulb. To compute the cost of the energy expended to power the fridge for a year when only on during working days with pre-cooling (7am to 5pm, monday to friday) you need to know the watt-hours. If we take the maximum energy expended as the 90 Watts computed above then: 90 watt-hours for every 1 hour the device is powered 10 hours per day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. 52 * 5 = 260 days 260 days * 10 hours per day = 2600 hours turned on Watt-hours in one year: 90 * 2600 = 234 kilo watt-hours If we assume an electricity rate of 10.22 cents per kilo watt-hour (this is what the power company where I live is currently charging), then in one year the cost to power the fridge is: 0.1022 * 234 = $23.92 Keep in mind that the amount of current listed that the device consumes is the maximum amount. Typically it will utilize less, which changes the cost to operate.

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Q: How many watts does a mini fridge use?
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To convert watts to kilowatts, divide by 1000. In this case, the fridge uses 0.065 kilowatts (65 watts / 1000).

How many watts does an average fridge use?

New energy star models are about 470 kWh per year.

How much electricity does your 120v 60 Hz 1.4A mini fridge use?

A 120V 60Hz 1.4A mini fridge would consume approximately 168 watts (120V * 1.4A = 168 watts) while running. To calculate the electricity usage over time, you would multiply the wattage by the number of hours the fridge is operating.

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It depends on the specific model and size of the fridge, but typically a 12-volt caravan fridge can range from 40 to 100 watts when operating. It's important to check the fridge's specifications to know the exact power consumption.

How many amps does a 60 watt fridge use?

To calculate the amperage used by a 60-watt fridge, you would divide the power (in watts) by the voltage of the outlet it’s plugged into. For example, if the fridge is plugged into a 120-volt outlet, the amperage would be 0.5 amps (60 watts / 120 volts = 0.5 amps).

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I have read it can be ran off an 100watt solar panel. It uses .7-3.3 amps.

How many watts does a beer refrigerator have?

It depends on the fridge. Newer fridges are generally more efficient, so would use less electricity, although size is a definite factor. There should be sufficient information on the fridge to determine watts, though you may have to calculate. Watts = amps x volts. Volts = 120. I'd use 120 to avoid underestimating. In any case, running a fridge only for beer is an avoidable cost unless you make better use of it. Replacing an old fridge and a separate freezer with a newer'' more efficient fridge with useable freezer space probably uses less electricity than 2 older appliances.

How many watts does a mini refrigerator use per day?

A mini refrigerator uses about 70 watts per hour or 0.07 KWH.Therefore it uses about 24 times 0.07 KWH, or 1.68 Kilowatt Hours per day.There are varied sizes of "mini refrigerators" and varying degrees ofinsulation, so the wattage may vary from 40 watts per hour to 100 watts per hour or .96 KWH to 2.4 KWH per day

How many watts does a westinghouse fidgefreezer use?

The power consumption of a Westinghouse fridge/freezer can vary depending on the model and size. On average, a small to medium-sized Westinghouse fridge/freezer consumes about 100-200 watts when running. It's important to check the specific model's energy label or manual for the exact power usage.