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Q: How many wax worms do you feed a gecko a week?
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How much do you feed a crested gecko?

You should feed your crested gecko daily. Use the crested gecko special diet mixed with water and alternate that with crickets. Mine have done very well with this. I don't recommend baby food due to it being high in sugar.

How many crickets should you feed your leopard gecko per day?

Offer your juvenile tokay crickets on a daily basis. As many as they will consume in one sitting. Mine will usually eat 4. Adult tokays should be offered crickets every other day as many as will be consumed in one feeding. I have read some report theirs will eat as many as 10 when full grown. I offer mine waxworms twice a week. Wax worms are high in fat content. They should be fed no more then twice a week. On the nights I feed waxworms, I do not feed crickets.

How long between each leopard feed?

I would feed every other day; that's what I do for my leopard gecko. Make sure you provide a varied diet with crickets, mealworms, and a waxworms once or twice a week. Good Luck! ~Leopard Gecko Fan~

How many mices can you feed a bearded dragon every week?

Mice are NOT part of their natural diet ! They feed on small insects (crickets, small locusts, wax worms etc) and green, leafy vegetables !

What can you feed to a leopard gecko?

silk worms and they have a good source of protein and other healthy things. Plus crickets smaller than your leopard geckos head and you can feed your leopard gecko Wax worms but it's not healthy to feed your gecko Wax worms daily they don't have a stable diet!!!!! Also if you are going to feed crickets to the leopard gecko it has to be a size as big as in between their eyes.

How often does should I clean out my gecko vivarium and how many geckos should i put in a 30x30x30?

once a week and only one gecko add one every 30cm2

How many days a week should I feed my cat?

7 days a week

How many mealworms do you feed a gecko lizard in one day?

unlike fish, geckos will only eat as much as they need and not overeat. I usually give mine 10 mealworms and 1 waxworm in a night and sometimes find 1 or maybe 2 mealworms still in the food dish. Some nights I see nothing and sometimes I see a bowl full of worms. The mornings I wake up to a full bowl I know that my gecko probably looks like a car with a new paint job (yah it molted) As they get older they will eat less as they can store more fat and have a slower metabolism. (just like us, although we do tend to eat more) Good-Luck with your gecko

Do leopard geckos HAVE to eat live food?

No. People feed leopard geckos "pinkies" for various reasons. To boost nutrition during a geckos pregnancy. To give a gecko a large feeding so as to not have to feed it for a week (this works well if you want to take a vacation). Some people just think it's entertaining. A Leopard Gecko does not "need" to eat baby mice. Crickets will do.

Can lizard eat mealworms?

yes if you want but i wont

What is a golden geckos favorite meal?

My lepard gecko loves crickets, meal worms, wax worms and butter worms. Just dust them in calcium, to ensure their diet has calcium. All this stuff you can get at a good pet store, or reptile store.

How long can Geckos last without food?

A leopard gecko can go two weeks without food, but it is best to feed him/her ten crickets (or more) a week. I find it handy to put about twenty crickets or less in the cage with my leopard gecko at a time, as long as you keep an apple (or potato) slice for the crickets in the container and let him eat at his own pace. My gecko actually eats twenty crickets a week, but I don't think this amount is necessary because he has gotten a very fat tail (that is where they store extra fat). I've never tried pinkies or mealworms before, but I'm sure this method would work the same, but put the food they eat in the container and you don't need to feed quite as much to your leopard gecko.