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The average pay of an American ranges between $15,000- $25000. This might not seem a lot of money to some of you because you probably make way more. An explination for this is that in many states like Georgia, Alamama, Louisiana, Montana, Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Michigan, Kentuky, minisoda, and Missouri, people don't make a lot of money. They are mostly farmers, bus drivers, druggies, gangsters, fishers, illeagal immigrants, and garbage men. Only a few states help boost U.S.A.'s average pay like California, New York, and Florida. Lots of people there make a huge sum of money which boosts the country average

whoever wrote the above-stated is a belligerent fool. almost entirely untrue, those in Florida are mostly living off their previous earnings, and in fact Ohio and minnesota have some of the highest wage to hour benefits of many states. also, druggie, gangster, and fisher are not legitimate professions... fisherman might be. illegal immigrants don't make it all the way to the Midwest either, the reside mainly in the border communities until residence is made available to them through the Immigration act (ie having a child in the states makes them citizens)

The 1st contributor's answer to the average pay of an American worker is probably incorrect, but one can get factual data and answers to that question from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (a US Federal Government Agency which collects national data about wage compensation). May I suggest that this contributor put his comments through a Spell Checker because the comments posted in the 1st paragraph contain spelling errors. Some of the language usage needs correction also, as contributor 2 has pointed out. Both contributors have factual errors in their comments about issues that are factual in nature, not matters of opinion (amount of compensation of various jobs in varying states, or as cited below the steps necessary to obtain US citizenship).

The 2nd contributor's statement about US citizenship being accorded to a non-citizen upon having a child born on US soil is incorrect. For definitive---accurate---information about factual statistics or procedures relating to any area of interest go to the source for that subject. Any matter that has any government involvement has an agency or entity which will supply the correct information about the subject of inquiry. The 2nd contributor should capitalize the word that begins each sentence, as one should with the name of a state, in this instance, Florida, and the other states that contributor 2 mentions. This follows the English language rule that the name of any person, place, or thing (Proper Nouns) should be capitalized. FYI.

The average salary of an American citizen is $42,000 dollars

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50% of the labor force of the USA.

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Q: How many white collar workers in us?
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The Purpose of a White Collar Lawyer?

A white collar lawyer is an attorney who specializes in the field of white collar crime. There are many different sub-disciplines within the field. Generally speaking, a white collar crime is a crime that is perpetrated by an individual of high social status as a part of their business activities. Some of the crimes that may be considered white collar include embezzlement, insider trading, money laundering, copyright infringement, and other similar crimes. White collar crime is usually used to refer to nonviolent crimes motivated by personal financial gain. There is no strict definition for the types of crimes that are considered to be white collar crime. Generally speaking, however, they are used to refer to dishonest business practices that violate laws. According to the Department of Justice, a white collar crime is an illegal, non-violent activity which is deceptive, manipulative, dishonest, or secretive. Generally speaking, a white collar crime is not thought to be as serious as many other types of crime. If an individual is found guilty of a white collar crime and sentenced to prison, they will be placed into a minimum security prison rather than a maximum security prison in most cases. One term which is often associated with white collar crime is fraud. A white collar lawyer will spend a great deal of time either accusing individuals of committing fraud, or developing defenses stating that fraud was not committed. There are many different types of fraud, which can be broadly defined as intentionally deceiving a business or a person. These crimes can include fraud in relation to credit cards, consumers, telemarketing, insurance, health care, mail, government, and securities. An individual can be accused of committing a white collar crime either on the state or the federal level. On the federal level, a much larger group of activities are considered to constitute white collar crime that on the state level in most cases. Because of the fact that most successful businessmen operate on a national or even an international scale, the federal government is typically better equipped to handle white collar crime sentencing. There are several organizations which police white collar crime to some degree. These include the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the US attorney general, and several other federal agencies. A white collar crime lawyer may act on behalf either of defendants or plaintiffs in relation to white collar crime. They may represent individuals, businesses, and consumer advocate organizations, among others.

Real world examples of white-collar crime?

(in the US) the recent Bernie Madoff investment Ponzi scheme) scandal is a perfect example.

Attitude towards white workers?

it doesn't matter get past yourself i know the past has inhibited many of of us to get along but its time to get over it white black brown yellow i don't be part of the solution not the problem

How many construction workers have jobs in the US?

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i bleave it to be over a billon people

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