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Q: How many years ago do some experts believe that some humans got in the Americas?
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Some experts believe there were no people in the Americas until ago.?

25,000 years ago

When did the first humans arrive in the Americas Americas?

It is theorized that the first humans arrived on the continent during the last ice age, about 15,000 years ago. They would have crossed into Alaska by way of the Bering Land Bridge.

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Nobody knows exactly but most experts believe around 5000 years ago in Japan.

How long do the humans believe the Cullens have lived in Forks?

two years

When did people first live on earth?

Scientists believe that the first humans lived 4.4 million years ago in Ethiopia. Christians believe that God put the first humans on Earth a few thousand years ago.

What year was jujitsu inveted?

Nobody knows exactally but most experts believe it was invented arround 5000 years ago in Japan.

How many years of a human's life equals1 year of a dogs life?

As experts say a humans year is 1.It is approximate 7 yrs to dogs

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Yes. Experts believe that Robot Dinosaurs will take over the world in what they think to be 37 years. Be prepared.

Did the ice ages had little impact on early human migration?

It is believed that modern humans evolved in Africa around 50000-100000 years ago. They have since migrated to the other continents. The ice ages would have had a massive impact on the migrations of these early humans. In fact, researchers believe that during the Pleistocene Ice Ages the Bering strait froze connecting modern day Siberia and Alaska allowing humans to migrate to the Americas around 16500 years ago.

How long did humans believe the Cullens lived in Forks?

A couple years. So 3 or 4.

Why did early humans leave Asia?

Early humans left Asia in search of new sources of food, following animal herds for hunting and gathering opportunities. As populations grew and resources became scarce, some groups migrated to new territories in search of better living conditions. Additionally, environmental changes, such as shifts in climate, may have also played a role in prompting human migrations out of Asia.

In Twilight how long do the humans believe the Cullens have lived in Forks?

The humans in Forks believe that the Cullens have lived there for around three years.