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Totally depends upon on the laws governing the state.

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Q: How many years can I legally request for back child support?
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How can a father legally stop paying child support on a child that is 18 years old and enrolled in college in Iowa?

Make an official request from child support enforcement. see links

Can a person request a paternity for a child that is legally not theirs?

This is dependent on the reasons. If a man suspects a child is his, than he should file to have the test done, regardless of whether she is demanding support or not. She can wait up to 23 years to nail him for support. see link below

How do you stop child support your son is 21 years old?

Make an official request with the court that issued the child support order.

How many years can we legally go back to modify child support in TN?

Child support in Tennessee can be reviewed and modified up to the age of majority.

Do you have to pay child support for your son who is now 31?

It either ends when the child is 18 or the child support agreement would say otherwise. Legally he has been on his own for years.

Can you file a child support order when the child is 3 years old in indiana?

Yes, and the mother should request it retroactively.

Do you have a right to claim child support after 5 years when the child was born?

Yes, there is no limitation on beginning a case for child support. It's unlikely that you will get much, or anything at all in arrears from the 5 years that you did not request it, but child support is the right of the child and each parent is financially responsible for their children.

If a child 18 years old leaves the custodial parent and moves with the NCP can a child support case be started?

no the child is already 18 then they are legally an adult and the parent doesnt need to pay child support

Can you ask for child support to be paused while incarcerated?

In my sister's case the child support payments are only defered until he serves his 2-10 years. They will only continue to add up until he has payed the amount in full. This would also depend on what state you are in. We are in MI.

Can a child whose 18 years old file child support on a parent?

Probably not worth your time. At eighteen, you are legally an adult and should be supporting yourself. Child support is usually an agreement between parents to provide for their child.

Child is not legally yours but lived with you for almoist 2 years are you due support from parents?

Yes, but you need to file a child in need of care motion.

Is a father legally obligated to pay for child support all the way through college?

It depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction, but in many cases, parents are only legally obligated to pay child support until the child reaches the age of majority, which is typically 18. Some jurisdictions may require child support to continue while the child is still a dependent, such as through college, but this varies.