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Q: How many years does it take for nuclear waste to be safe?
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Can our nuclear waste go in to your water?

no, its not safe to dispose nuclear waste in water,rather it would be safe to dispose it in common salt trenches.

How dangerous is the threat of Water contamination from Nuclear waste?

If you put nuclear waste in a situation where groundwater can flow over it on the way to a water course, you will obviously get contamination. Nuclear waste stores have to be very carefully considered to find locations that are safe from water access.

Is it difficult to find a safe place to store nuclear waste?


Why isn't it safe to jump in water that's contaminated with nuclear waste material?

The reason it isn't safe to jump in water that is contaminated with nuclear waste material is because it can make you sick or even kill you.

What are some uses of nuclear energy?

Nuclear fission produces nuclear waste which has to be desposed off and because of the nuclear waste's long half-life it takes thousands of years before the waste becomes safe. Mining for U-238 is expensive and an enrichment process is required to turn U-238 to U-235 before it can be used in a nuclear reactor, this takes time and money and is another disadvantage.

What is the most environmentally safe sort of energy?

Solar and wind energy is the most safe. Of the renewable energies, nuclear can produce nuclear waste and go critical, while hydroelectric power can displace many acres of land. Wind and solar energy produce no waste, do not pollutes, and do not displace.

What is a method of safe handing hazardous waste?

It depends on the waste material. Methods appropriate for chemical hazards would not be so for nuclear waste.

How many years does it take for spent nuclear fuel rods to reach safe levels of radioactivity?

1 billion years

How long does nuclear power plant waste remain harmful?

The half-life of the radiation in the rods used in nuclear power plants is 30 years, but under government standards, they are not considered "safe" until they are more than 90% depleted - nearly 300 years.

Why is it impossible for scientists to be sure that storage of nuclear waste is safe?

i really do not know i am just guessijn

How safe is the transportation of nuclear waste?

If done properly it can be as safe or safer than other transportation, especially if the plutonium and other transuranics have already been recycled to new fuel. But this is likely to get censored as many anti-nuclear people don't want it known.

What is the Environmental hazards of a nuclear reactor?

The nuclear Reactor is safe unless a Radioactive Leak happens. The chances of a Radioactive Leak Happening is quite low. The main concern is that when nuclear power plants use the lakes or rivers to gain coolants is that it can kill the fishes due to thermal pollution (waste heat) in the particular area. The other Concern is the Waste. The nuclear waste emits around 148 Roentgens Per hour and has to be buried at locations that will be Uninhabitable for thousands of years to come.