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I believe it is 46 years or something like that..

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Q: How many years does it take for plastic to decompose in the environment?
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How long does a chip bag take to fully decompose?

Chips as in Computerchips are made by various metals, silicone and plastic or ceramics. Buried in ground, the metal may dissolve mostly over many years. Gold filaments present wont decompose naturally, but they do not harm environment either. Plastic and ceramic parts can most likely be found after thousands of years depending on the conditions where they are buried. I would suppose we do not seriously expect computerchips to decompose in nature. They are ment for recycling and should be handed in to such facilities capable of dealing with them properly.

How many years does it for glass to decompose in a land fill?

It takes about one to two million years for glass to decompose.

What are the advantages of plastic clothing?

There are not any clothes that are made out of plastic. An advantage of having clothes made out of recycled plastic is that it would help the environment. Plastic take many years to biodegrade.

How many years does it take for backpacks to decompose in the landfill?

5.26 years

How long does it take for laminated paper to decompose?

The plastic on a laminated sheet will never break down. After many years, perhaps in sunlight, the plastic will break into smaller pieces. If the paper is exposed to moisture and warmth it should then biodegrade in a few months.

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Which materials do not decompose in landfills?

many the materails that don't decompsoe in landfills are plastic, glass, and styrofoam.

How many years does a tin can take to decompose naturally?

It depends on the environment. In particularly corrosive environments - say on the salty sea shore in a tropical country, just a few months. But in Antarctica, it will never decompose, it'll stay frozen in the ice forever.

How many years plastic bottles can be decompose?

An average time for a plastic bottle to biodegrade fully is approximately 450-1000 years. However, there are many different kinds of plastic in the world, most commonly the hard and reusable ones, which take a longer time, and the soft and non-reusable ones, which take a shorter time. Time also varies with the size of the bottle. If they are sitting in landfills sealed and compacted with all of the other trash and bottles with no air moving, they won't decompose at all.a standard PETE plastic bottle will never rot.

How long does it take for plastic 6-pack to decompose?

The plastic rings that hold six beverage cans are these days made of special polymers that cause them to break down when exposed to sunlight. Though they still remain intact for many months, they become extremely brittle and can be broken easily. To decompose entirely, it would take only a few years, if exposed directly to sunlight. If buried, the plastic would decompose extremely slowly, probably on the order of several hundred years. Naturally, the fastest way to dispose of them is by sending them to a recycling centre to be melted down.

How long does a house take to decompose?

No one set answer for this. Many variables determine how long this takes. Material used, climate the house is in, other aggravating factors... some decompose in a couple of years, while there are historical cabins in Antarctica which are virtually unchanged from their condition in the early 1900s.

How many years for a dead boy to decompose?

1 second