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He was in power from 1933 to 1945, so that is 12 years.

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Q: How many years in power was Hitler?
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Who long did it take Adolf Hitler to come to power?

it took Hitler 32 years to come to power

How many Hitler death camps are they?

None, Hitler is no longer in power. His death camps were all disbanded almost seventy years ago.

If Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933 and committed suicide in 1945 how many years was he in power?

12 years and 3 months

How did Hitler maintain power by killing the Jews?

Hitler maintained power as Germany was in a time where many people were unemployed and hitler gave jobs to Germans to fight in the war and kill jews

How long did the Weimar republic last?

Which one? Hitler's, remember, was the THIRD Reich. The first was the Holy Roman Empire, which lasted from 962 to 1806 (not quite a thousand-year job); the second was the Empire proclaimed at Versailles in 1870, which was formally dissolved in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 - 49 years; and Hitler's power ran from 1933 to 1945, or 12 years.

Adolph Hitler had Twelve of these?

He was in power for 12 years. He also supposedly had 12 cats.

Rule of hitler?

Adolf Hitler ruled Germany for 12 years,He became Chancellor on 30th January 1933 and "shared" power with the President.

How many Germans were unemployed when Hitler came into power?

A couple

Was hitlers power successful?

Hitler's power wasn't fully successful, Hitler's power did last 12 Years but ended when he committed suicide because of the Allies were advancing towards Berlin, Germany (Germany's capitol) in 1945.

How many years was Hitler in control?


How many years was Adolf Hitler in control of Germany?

from 1933 till he committed suicide on April 30, 1945

How many years did Hitler claim his Reich would last?

1000 years.