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They must serve 2 Yrs and if you in the senate its 6 yrs.

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Q: How many years of term must a person in the House of Represenatives serve?
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How long do represenatives serve?

2 years

How long do they serve in the house of representatives?

you serve in the house of represenatives for 2 years

How long is a house of represenatives term?

two years

How long is term of house of represenatives?

two years

House of represenatives age limit?

25 years

How long is term of the house of represenatives?

I believe it is 2 years.

Is the entire house of represenatives up for election every two years?

four years

How long is the Texas house of Represenatives term?

I believe it is 2 years.

What happens in reapportionment and what happens next in redistricting?

The represenatives serve out their term of 2 years, then they leave and that is it.

What is the term for the house of the representatives?

The green house but there is another name for it i think

How many represenatives are in the us house of represenatives?

The United States House of Representatives is made up of 435 voting members and 6 non-voting members. The term for a congressman is 2 years.

What is a length term for a memeber of the US House of Represenatives?

Two years without term limits.