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Q: How many years to be become a Lutheran pastor?
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Yes, a theologian or pastor is considered a professional. They have many years of training to do their work.

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The Lutheran Hymnal has 858 pages.

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Lutheran Service Book has 1024 pages.

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Evangelical Lutheran Worship has 1211 pages.

Can a woman pastor marry a man who is not a pastor?

Yes, in many protestant churches a female pastor can marry someone who is not a pastor.

How are Lutheran priests chosen?

In Australia, leaders in the Lutheran church are not known as priests, but "Pastors" or "Ministers". They are not chosen. They receive a personal "calling" to enter the ministry, a feeling from God that this is what they are meant to do with their lives. They are trained at the Lutheran seminary in Adelaide, South Australia, and after a period of many years of training and education, wait to be sent to a parish. After serving a minimum of three years in a parish, they are then eligible to be called to another parish. This process takes place by the elders and congregation of the "calling" church meeting to discuss lists of possible candidates. Once the pastor is called, he has the choice whether to accept the call or remain where he is, and wait for another call that might be better suited to his particular talents.

Lutheran Honus Wagner?

Attended Lutheran school until the 6th grade. His parents were German and many Germans who immigrated to America were Lutheran. Yes.

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How many years do you need to train to become a singer?

It can take many years to become an overnight success.