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Augustus won the Final Civil War of the Roman Republic in 30 BC. He then had to work on making his personal rule acceptable to the Romans and this was formalised with the First Settlement with the senate in 27 BC. It is thought that Jesus was born between 7 BC and 2 BC.

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Q: How many years was Caesar Augustus in power before Christ's birth?
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Who was roman emperor at time of Christs's birth?

Augustus Caesar, the first emperor.

Was Augustus Caesar alive during Jesus's birth?

Yes. Octavianus Augustus Caesar died on August 19, in the year 14 AD ,years after Jesus' birth.

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Augustus was emperor at the time Jesus was born. Caesar was his name and Augustus was his title.

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Roman Emperor at Jesus' birth?

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Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus. He is called variously, Octavian, Caesar Augustus, Augustus Caesar, or just simply Augustus. He was the grand nephew of Julius Caesar, who died without legitimate heirs. He inherited when Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C. E., and died in 14 C.E. He was the first Emperor of Rome.

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Who was emperor of the western world at the time of Jesus' birth?

AnswerLuke's Gospel says that Jesus was born during the reign of Caesar Augustus.

How was August named?

It was named after a Roman emperor Augustus