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Q: How many young are produced at once by live bearer fish?
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Related questions

Is a guppy a live bearer or does it lay eggs?

guppies give birth to live young.

If your freshwater fish have babies should you put them with the mother?

For most species absolutly not. A fishes parental instincts are non-existent and they will eat their own young, wether it be a live-bearer or an egglayer. However different species will raise their young to a point. Depending on the type of fish your breeding hit the books.

Which fishes do not lay eggs?

One example is the Guppy, a popular tropical tank fish, which is a live bearer. The eggs are retained by the female Guppy until the eggs hatch and the young Guppies emerge alive.

Are sharks the only fish to have live young?

No, there are other fish who have live young called guppies or something like that

Where do young fish live?


What animal has 4 eye-lashes?

The South American live-bearer fish has 2 eyes but they're split into 2.

What fish bears live young?

guppies, mollies, scord fish. that's about it

One of the few fish to bear live young what fish named for a Trinidadian also eats those young?


What is a platies?

it is a live bearer fresh water fish that are alittle in the means of wider but taller than other livebearers i hope this helps for you people out there

What fish are born alive?

Sharks and rays are fish that give birth to live young.

How long are live bearer fish pregnant for?

Their gestation periods vary with species but they can go from 3 weeks up to 3 months and even longer. Some livebearers have the ability to hold their young and not let them out if conditions don't suit or are unfavourable to the survival of the fry.

What is the breeding of fish called?

So called live-bearing fish give birth. The name live-bearer indicates that the fish bears living fry inside them, and after a certain gestation period she pops them out, like giving birth.