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No, there are other fish who have live young called guppies or something like that

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Q: Are sharks the only fish to have live young?
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Are sharks the only fish that have live babies?

Not all sharks have live young. Some lay eggs like most fish do but to answer your question, no, sharks are not the only fish that give live birth. Guppies, mollies, swordtails and other members of the family Poeciliidae, as well as members of other fish families, give live birth.

Do sharks suckle?

No. Sharks are fish, and fish do not suckle. The only members of the animal kingdom that suckle their young are mammals.

Can rainbow sharks live in saltwater?

No. They are freshwater fish only.

Are blue whales related to sharks?

There is very little relation between sharks and whales. Sharks are an ancient primitive creature, and the whale is a modern creature who gives live birth and nurses its young. the whale is a creature which originally lived on land, then adapted to live in the ocean.

Where do hammerhead sharks come from?

is there even a hammerhead fish i think its only a hammerhead shark.

What eats barracudas?

they have been found in the stomach of tuna fish,sharks and dolphins

Are mammals the only group that gives live birth?

No. Sharks and rays give birth to live young too.

What do a squinds eat?

The smaller of the squid live off of shrimp, and fish. The species of the squid depends on what they eat, for example the giant squid not only eats fish but also smaller species of squid, they can also eat young sharks and whales.

Do baby sharks drink milk from their mother?

no, sharks are fish not mammals and rarely give live birth. They do not produce "milk" for their youngAnswerNo, sharks are fish, in that they breath water using gills, wheareas mammals are categorized with land animals, which breath air using lungs. Sharks give live birth; in that perhaps most important sense they would fall into the category mammal. But sharks cannot produce milk, and mammal means giving milk in latin, although the name was derived a long time ago before modern science.

What do sharks eat outher than fish?

Sharks are carnivores, they can only eat other fish.

How are great awhite sharks born?

Sharks are the only fish that have live birth. Therefore, the pups are carried by the mother during gestation and then passed through the cloaca.

Are sharks different than whales?

YES! Sharks are fish and whales are mammals: they breathe air with lungs and nurse their young. Also Sharks only have bone in their jaw bone. The support for the rest of their body is cartilage.