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Well, here's a checklist:

-Only letting a fifth of the population vote (all male)

-Voting on a hill together, where the majority decides whether or not war is good

-Grab yourselves some slaves

-Convince yourselves that women are worth less than men

-Convince yourselves that women's wombs move around their bodies (yes, they believed this)

-Be incredibly aware from a Naval Perspective

-Develop a court system based on popularity outside of the court

-Condemn your greatest thinkers to death by hemlock...

Okay, there were some good things about Athens, but the good things you tend to already find in most societies today... I thought I'd just highlight some of the strange features of the Ancient city to show how different it really was. For reference the last point is about Socrates (who was actually a cheeky bugger so I can kind of see why they chose hemlock.)

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I'm sorry. This is your homework, not mine. Well, it might be a test.

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The proper noun Athens is the name of a city. It would not ordinarily use a plural. It might be possible to describe Athens (Greece) and Athens (Georgia) as "two Athenses" or simply as the "two Athens."

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well there are somethings tht tell us about religious beliefs in the ancient and modern Olympics which are all competitors are from there country they were born in and they are competing for tht country what ever religious beliefs they might have!

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Servants, agricultural workers, tradesman, fishermen, entrepreneurs, home workers, prostitutes. Basically, they did their owners' bidding, whatever it might be.

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Ostracism meant banishment for ten years, not shunned/ignored. It was used to get rid of political opponents by stirring up enough people to vote for it.

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Where is the parathenon located?

Think you might mean Parthenon. If so, the Parthenon(ancient Greek: ????????) is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena built in the 5th century BC on the Acropolis of Athens. If you search WikiPedia for this spelling you will find much more.