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Q: How might people who supported parliament over the monach have argued against Hobbes view?
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Thomas Hobbes argued that life in the state of nature is?

Thomas Hobbes claimed that life in the state of nature would be the "war of all against all" and it would seem "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

What philosopher argued for a monarchy?

Jean Bodin, Thomas Hobbes.

Hobbes argued that the best protection for the rights of the weak in a polity was?

a Single ruler

What ideas of government were introduced by hobbes in leviathan?

Hobbes presented three types of government monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. He argued that monarchy was the best.

Thomas hobbes argued the best form of government was?

Thomas Hobbes believed that an absolute monarchy - a government that gave all power to a king or queen - was best.

What wasThomas Hobbes religion of fatih?

Hobbes argued for a distinction between knowledge and faith and suggested that one could not gain a knowledge of God. Thus his religion was Atheism; Agnosticism

Who argued that human beings by their basic natures are evil?

I'm sure there were others both before him and after him who aruged the same question, but I know that Thomas Hobbes was one that argued it.

Who argued in Leviathan that the state was powerful because it represented the collective power given up by the people?


Which statement describes a difference between the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?

Hobbes believed that people were inherently evil, while Locke argued people were born as blank slates.

How did Hobbes view people and what was his ideal government?

Thomas Hobbes claimed that life in the state of nature would be the "war of all against all" and it would seem "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." As a result, humans were naturally prone to violence and antagonism. Consequently, Hobbes argued that there should be a "Leviathan" or an all-powerful dictator who could keep order and repress the violent tendencies of the human population.

How did did Hobbes describe the conditions under which human beings lived in the state of nature?

Hobbes described the state of nature as a condition of war of all against all, where life was "nasty, brutish, and short." In this state, individuals acted solely in their own self-interest, leading to constant conflict and insecurity. To escape this chaos, Hobbes argued for a social contract to establish a sovereign authority to maintain peace and order.

Which statement about Thomas Hobbes and John Locke is not correct SEE Discussion for Choices?

Hobbes argued that because the "general will" of the people was for freedom, the people as a whole should force individual citizens to conform to the general will.