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As the US spread westward in fulfillment of manifest destiny, the question always arose about whether slavery would be permitted in each of the new territories/states. An uneasy truce was reached that effectively allowed one new slave state for each new free state but the compromise was unsustainable because the slave based economy was not particularly suitable for most of the western territories that were being settled. The tension over slavery (and other issues) as the power shifted in favor of the northern and western states/territories eventually boiled over into the civil war.

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Q: How might the idea of manifest destiny relate to slavery or the civil war?
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How did slavery relate to the Civil War?

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The phrase "manifest destiny" is most often associated with the territorial expansion of the United States from 1812 to 1860. This era, from the end of the War of 1812 to the beginning of the American Civil War, has been called the "age of manifest destiny"

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Chocolate good

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The union fought against slavery in the civil war

What does manifest destiny have to do withthe civil war?

Manifest destiny started the dispute over the spread of slavery. Since before the Mexican-American War the states had argued about annexing new territory because of the spread of slavery. Also, this is more of a underlying factor and a personal opinion, I think that the northern population wanted to preserve the union so badly because the media had been perching manifest destiny for so long people didn't realize how bloodily and costly expansion could be. Many Americans were wrapped up in the success the US had had expanding to the west so they didn't really understand the true costs of war.

How did Manifest destiny and the civil war strengthen the US?

Because they both reunited the people of the country as well as it gave them a sense of belonging.

How was manifest destiny implemented?

Manifest Destiny was the belief held by Americans that the U.S. should own all of the land on North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This was achieved when the U.S. won the Mexican-American War and acquired what is now the Southwestern U.S. However, acquisition of this land brought back up the slavery question, i.e. should this new territory be slave or free--an argument that would eventually lead to the U.S. Civil War. The manifest destiny also led back to popular soveignty!!!

How did the US government encourage expansion?

Because the 59=the problematic theary of bananas

What was the major problem facing the confederation?

The Trent Incident, The St. Albans Raid, The Civil War, the Fenians, Manifest Destiny, and the end of trade

When fort Sumter was fired on the civil war began true or false?

The firing on Fort Sumter was the event that officially began the Civil War. However, there was great tension between the north and south over the fugitive slave law, Bleeding Kansas and the issue of slavery and Manifest Destiny as well as the nullification of the Missouri Compromise.

How did the manifest destiny lead to the civil war?

Manifest Destiny led to expanded territory. When the population of these territories became enough for statehood, people worried about the senate seats being equal numbers of slave states and free states. Southern states wanted to protect their "peculiar institution."