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Q: How might the prisoners in the zimbardo experiment have used fundamental attribution error when they were participating in the study?
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What were the negative effects experienced by participants in the Zimbardo prison experiment?

The American educational network PBS did an excellent series in 2001 called "Discovering Psychology," and in episodes 19-20, it addressed such things as the psychological effect the situation can have upon how human beings act. In one segment, it discussed the 1971 Prison experiment, with Dr. Zimbardo (host of the series) looking back on it. It also showed a follow up, where students (both the "guards" and the "prisoners") met after a few months and talked about their feelings regarding the experiment. It is clear from that segment that the participants were still upset. The "prisoners" were shocked that classmates they thought they knew were willing to treat them so brutally, and the "guards" were still embarrassed that they had gotten so caught up in the role that they acted in such an inhumane manner. Even Dr. Zimbardo noted that he too had become caught up in his role of the "warden," and his reaction surprised him. Although he was a trained psychologist, he admitted he had lost perspective and found himself thinking like a prison warden. That was one reason he called off the experiment-- the realization that it does not take much (in this case, some isolation, uniforms, and arbitrary hierarchies of power) to make otherwise decent people behave in unethical or cruel ways.

Why did the Nazis force some prisoners to wear a second badge underneath?

To identify them as Jewish

Why do prisoners stick mirrors outside their jail cells when someone is walking past?

so they can see who is walking before he passes by them.

What is an example of social isolation?

Extreme examples would be when dangerous prisoners are put in solitary confinement, or otherwise housed separately from others, with no outside contact.

What is proven in Philip Zimbardo's study of a simulated prison environment that used college students as prisoners and prison guards?

demonstrated that a social structure can influence the type of social interactions that occur.

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What happened to those assigned as prisoners in the Stanford prison experiment?

They felt as if they were truly prisoners (Apex)

A research project in which some students acted as prisoners and some acted as guards was called .?

the Stanford prison experiment

What was the name of the research project in which some students act as prisoners and some acted as guards?

the stanford prison experiment.

What was the Stanford prison expirament?

The Stanford Prison Experiment is one of the most famous experiments in psychology's history, conducted in 1971 by a team of researchers led by Stanford University psychology professor Philip Zimbardo. The experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming either a prisoner or prison guard. Randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards were assigned to student volunteers in a mock prison situation. The participants adapted to their roles well beyond Zimbardo's expectations, as the guards enforced authoritarian measures and ultimately subjected some of the prisoners to psychological torture, while many of the prisoners passively accepted the abuse and, at the request of the guards, even harassed other prisoners. The experiment affected Zimbardo himself, who, in his role as the superintendent, permitted the abuse to continue. Two of the prisoners quit the experiment early and the entire experiment was abruptly stopped after only six days. The results of the experiment have been presented to illustrate the impressionability and obedience of people when placed within a situation of presumed institutional authority and socially legitimized stereotypes.

Was it ethical to do the Stanford prison experiment?

The Stanford prison experiment had been conducted from August 14 to August 20 and was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. 24 male students were selected with roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison.

What is a collective noun for prisoners?

The collective nouns for prisoners are a pityof prisoners, a gang of prisoners.

What caused researchers to stop the Stanford prison experiment after only six days?

The students acting as prisoners were showing signs of extreme distress.

What rights do prisoners have Scotland?

prisoners rights are rights given to prisoners by the government.

What kind of prisoners did alcatraz have at first?

Military prisoners

How many prisoners were at Alcatraz?

there were 1000 prisoners and cells

What did Flossenburg prisoners wear?

Prisoners at Flossenburg wore what prisoners in other concentration camps wore; striped uniforms.

Why did the Jew prisoners often mistreated other prisoners?

Without specifying a timeframe for this an answer is impossible. This is aside from the fact that there is no circumstance where Jewish prisoners were known for mistreating non-Jewish prisoners.