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Sexual reproduction is important because it allows genetic diversity to thrive in a species.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, one of the reasons that asexual reproduction is so bad is because the species ends up with multiple copies of the same genes. If those genes happen to be mutations that are harmful, eventually the species will go extinct.

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Q: How might the world be different without sexual reproduction?
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Why is sexual reproduction more advantageous than cloning?

Sexual reproduction causes the child to be somewhat different from the parents, which might be advantageous in terms of adapting to the environment. A clone will be a precise copy of the parent, which is bad news if the environment is changing.

In what situations might the genetic variations that result from sexual reproducion be better than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction creates variations in species. This creates immunity.Asexual reproduction does not do this and just clones. The organisms splits its DNA in two. Stick insects are one example. This is a problem if a disease is in one Stick insect then there is a large risk that the hole population will die

Why is fertilization a necessary part of sexual reproduction?

It would be nice to find out so anyone please hurry up. God!!!!!!!!!!!! I need this answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all don't be gettin smart or nobody goin to find it bets to believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without the occurrence of reduction in the number of chromosomes, this would consistently produce offspring with physical and developmental abnormalities. Also, meiosis provides for genetic variation among offspring.

What advantages might an organism have that can reproduce asexually?

It depends on what you mean by "advantageous," as sexual and asexual reproduction come with its own characteristics. Sexual reproduction involves two living things, and it can involve the transfer of fluids, leading to potential disease; however, many would say that sexual reproduction is quite enjoyable for both parties. Asexual reproduction, though, while extremely efficient and completely devoid of danger, doesn't serve any purpose for the sole living organism, as asexual simply involves one life form splitting into two, something amoebas and paramecium do to multiply.

How do you perform felasio on an unsircumsized man?

circumsization is different from one another so it might not be possible without flexibelity.......

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What might spark a conversion from sexual to asexual reproduction in Daphnia?

An increase in food availability might spark a conversion from sexual to asexual reproduction in Daphnia.

Why is sexual reproduction more advantageous than cloning?

Sexual reproduction causes the child to be somewhat different from the parents, which might be advantageous in terms of adapting to the environment. A clone will be a precise copy of the parent, which is bad news if the environment is changing.

What is the Genetic material for SEXUAL REPRODUCTION?

chromosomes which cotains strands of DNA( deoxynucleic acid, I might be little off on it) and RNA.

What advantage might asexual repoduction by fission have over sexual reproduction?


Why might farmers want to use asexual reproduction of plants instead of sexual reproduction?

This is due to all the welsh using sheep to shag

In what situations might the genetic variations that result from sexual reproducion be better than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction creates variations in species. This creates immunity.Asexual reproduction does not do this and just clones. The organisms splits its DNA in two. Stick insects are one example. This is a problem if a disease is in one Stick insect then there is a large risk that the hole population will die

Why do you have the urge to look at breasts?

The urge to look is an early stage of what we might describe as "sexual awakening". People become interested in other people's bodies because ours is a species that engages in sexual reproduction.

How might an organism reproduce without a mate?

Asexual Reproduction There are many different species that have the ability to reproduce without a mate. The majority are single celled organisms with a few rare cases in which multicellular organisms reproduce without a mate. There is no specific term that encapsulates the entire spectrum of these reproducers, however the term for reproducing without a mate is Asexual Reproduction. A more exact term would be Agamogenesis.

How might sexual reproduction help a species to cope with environmental change?

Sexual reproduction leads to genetic diversity in offspring, increasing the likelihood that some individuals will possess advantageous traits to cope with changing environmental conditions. This genetic variability provides a better chance for the species to adapt and survive in new or challenging environments. It also enables the species to evolve and respond to various selection pressures over time.

What advantages does sexual reproduction provide for sponges?

Sexual reproduction means there is much greater scope for genetic variation of offspring. Variation is good for any species as it is this variation that allows for adaption e.g. the variation might provide some individuals with resistance to a new disease that affects the species, hence those individuals survive and thrive.

Can sexual intercourse speed up the delivery of a baby?

No. You can have sexual intercourse when you're pregnant, though it might feel a little different

How is sexual reproduction better than asexual reproduction in helping bees deal with parasites problems?

In general, sexual reproduction allows genes of two different creatures to recombine with each other. Basically, different combinations of genes might be more effective at dealing with parasites. Actually, this combining of genes can help facilitate gene mutation, and is the primary way that species evolve. Pressures such as parasites are just the type of thing that give species reason to evolve: some individuals are better at surviving, and thus they are more likely to spread their genes to the next generation, which results in a next generation better able to deal with the pressure.