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Q: How much amount of blood loss causes malena?
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What are causes of unexplained loss of blood?

what are causes of unexplained blood loss

Is hemorrhagic anemia a result of blood loss?

No but it causes blood loss as the condition causes internal bleeding

What amount of blood loss is associated with Mallory-Weiss Syndrome?

Blood loss can be considerable.

Hemorrhage with large blood loss causes?

Any large blood loss can cause death.

What causes blood loss in cancer patients and where does the blood go if there are no visual signs of blood loss?

lack of red cells

Why cutthroat causes death?

Blood loss and you can no longer breathe

When should acute blood loss anemia following surgery be coded as a complication of the?

When the physican states that the large amount of amount of blood loss is due to the surgery and causing the anemia.

How does venous circulation help to maintain blood pressure when hemorrhaging causes blood loss?


What profuse blood loss?

Just means a large amount

What are the causes of shock?

blood loss, injury, internal bleeding, illness

If a shark bite us how much amount of blood will you waste?

The amount of blood you waste cannot be predicted because it depends on the amount of bite and bite radius. Sharks bites cause massive tissue loss, injury to blood vessels, nerves, or internal organs. Sometimes, massive tissue loss/bleeding causes most deaths. Only doctor can stop bleeding by applying direct pressure, IV fluids and blood products will be needed for major wounds.

What causes red blood cells?

Anemia has multiple causes, the most common of which are 1) iron deficiency anemia, and 2) blood loss anemia. There are many, many other causes, as well.