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You should expect to pay about $5 to $7 per bale depending on where you live. If you are buying in bulk you will probably have to pay $500 and up.

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Q: How much are horse shavings these days?
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How can the amount of shavings affect your horse?

The amount of shavings can affect your horse: Giving him too much is bad for his moral and giving him not enough will leave him cold and it will soil easily and fast! Be sure to put the right amount in!

What types of material should be used as horse bedding?

Horse bedding is made from wood shavings. Soft woods are often used to create the shavings for the bedding. Horse shavings are offered by the bag or can also be purchased in bulk.

What are horse shavings that are at the bottom of the stall made of?

The shavings in a stall are make of wood or newspaper. Straw and sawdust can also be used

How much does wood shavings cost for a horse?

The cost of wood shavings will vary according to where you live, what brand you prefer, and how much you buy at one time. Only pine should be used for horse shavings, and these are typically the lowest in price. You can buy them by the 'bag' or 'bale' for anywhere from $2.00 (in bulk buy form) or up to $12.00 per bag/ bale at the feed store. You can buy them by the cubic yard from mills and this will likely be the most cost effective method, but you must have storage available to house the bulk shavings as they will not be bagged or baled up.

What is the best bedding for a 5 year old horse with no foal by its side?

Wood shavings

Are cherry wood shavings toxic to horses?

YES! I know a horse that actually died when someone accidentally put cherry shavings in its stall. Never use cherry shavings. It can cause laminitis, colic, death, and many other health issues.

How do you take care of a horse with copd?

soak their hay,use a nose net,give the horse paper or vacuum packed wood shavings for bedding.

Can redwood shavings be used for horse bedding?

This depends on what you mean by 'redwood'.1. If you mean Sequoia tree shavings, then no they likely are not toxic to horses and can be used since they are an evergreen. However you will want to make sure the horse does not have a reaction to any of the resins in them.2. If you mean shavings that are red colored and are most likely from cedar trees, then you should not use them as many horses have adverse reactions to them due to the oils and odor.

How much money should you save up before you buy your first horse?

Well, you should have enough to pay for the horse, the horse's expenses such as feed, hay, shavings, veterinary care, farrier care, worming, coggins, tack, buckets, all your supplies, boarding expenses if you don't have your own place, and a way to transport your horse! So, a lot.

What is the most suitable horse bedding?

In manys opinion, wood shavings is the best. You can find it at any farm store (e.g.UFA)

Can you bed horse stalls with maple shavings?

NO! Maple in any form is highly toxic to horses and if ingested can kill them quickly.

Are chicken droppings mixed with shavings toxic to horses?

While a horses digestive system can tolerate much and the shavings themselves should pose no problems. The chicken droppings can contain disease, not to mention high concentrations of uric acid. Like all compost, the manure pile is not a good place to let the horse graze. Many animals will eat or taste the feces of other species but it is a good idea to keep your horse away from this.