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Q: How much batter in a 12 by 2 round cake pan?
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How much more batter is in a 10 inch round cake pan than an 8 inch round cake pan?

It depends on how deep the cake pan is.

How much cake batter should go into a 16 inch round cake pan?

1/2 full

How much cake batter should go into a 14 inch square cake pan?

If you are using a 2" deep cake pan you would need 13.5 cups of batter.

How much cake batter should go into a four inch round cake pan?

15 cups of batter. bake at 325 degrees for 75-85 minutes. Use a baking core.

How much cake batter should go into 3 9 inch round cake pans for a 3 layer cake?

Just fill each pan a little over halfway full so it will have plenty of room to rise

How much cake batter in a 12x18 2 in pan?

You can use two cake recipes for that size pan.

How many cake boxes in a 9 in round cake pan?

It depends on how deep the pan is.

How much cake batter should go into a 10 in square Wilton cake pan?

6 cups for one layer

How many box cake mixes are needed for a 14 inch round cake pan?

for an 14 in round cake pan, you only need 1 box

If you have a cake recipe that is 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches high but you pour the batter into a round cake pan that is 8 inches in diameter how tall will the cake be?

The volume of the batter is the same. Volume in the 6 in pan: Pi r2 h = 18Pi . Volume in the 8 in pan: 16hPi . Equating the two: 18Pi = 16hPi gives h = 9/8 in.

How much cake batter for a 11x15x2 cake pan?

It will probably take 1-1/2 boxes. Fill the pan roughly half full & use the rest for cupcakes.

How many cups of cake batter for a 14X14 cake pan?

How deep is the pan? 2" or 3"? It makes a huge difference.