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There's no range in guaiac testing. The choices of results are negative or positive.

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Q: How much blood is needed for occult blood in stool to be positive?
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Positive result of Occult Blood In Stool?

mi bebe de 20 meses tiene el stool occult blood by imm positivo es peligroso eso

What is hemin test?

When testing stool for occult blood, if the stool is hematest positive, it indicates occult blood. Note that a false-positive finding may occur if the person has ingested significant amounts of red meat within 3 days of the test.

Occult Blood In Stool reference range negative?

Yes "Negative" is the reference range for occult blood

What are guaiac slides used to detect?

to occult blood in the stool

Can benign polyps cause occult blood in stool?


Should occult blood be checked if frank blood is present in stool?


How accurate is the fecal occult blood test for colon cancer?

The stool analysis mentioned here is known as a fecal occult blood test, or FOBT, and, while it can be helpful, it is not 100% accurate--only about 50% of cancers are FOBT-positive.

What is hemi stool?

One may be referring to an heme-occult stool test - a test whereby one determines whether there is blood in the stool or not.

What are the clinical problems of occult blood Feces?

The word occult just means hidden. So occult blood in the feces means that it is there, but you might not see it. If a person tests positive for occult blood in their stool, it usually means there is internal bleeding somewhere. It could be from an ulcer, recent surgery, or cancer, among other possible causes. A doctor needs to determine the source of the bleeding whenever there is internal bleeding.

What is the cpt code for occult blood in stool three guaiac test cards?


What does the fecal occult blood test examine?

At home, after having a bowel movement, the patient is asked to swipe a sample of stool obtained with a small stick on a card. After three such specimens are on the card, the card is then easily chemically tested for occult blood also.

If Colour of stool is brownish and occult blood is trace?

Presence of occult fecal blood in stool is often used as an indicator of peptic ulcers or colorectal cancer, depending on what other signs/symptoms are present. It's important to note that a POSITIVE test for occult blood does NOT automatically mean cancer. It is simply a sign that needs further investigation, usually by an colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or endoscopy to establish the root cause.