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Require? Depends on the person, how nourished they are typically, where they are, etc. But the recommended amount of caloric intake for the average person is 2000-2500 calories a day.

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Q: How much calorie energy required in a day for adult person?
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How much energy does an average person consume?

The recommended calorie intake for an adult male is 2500 kilocalories/day. The mechanical equivalent of heat is 4.2 Joules/calorie, so 4.2 kiloJoules/kilocalorie, so intake is 10,500 kiloJoules/day. As there are 24 x 60 x 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds/day, the rate of energy use is 121 watts (average over 24 hours)

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For an adult man 2500 kilocalories, for a woman 2000. That is 10,500 or 8400 kiloJoules (4.2 Joules per calorie)

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yes if you have some sort of drivers permit and they have one as well. Generally it is required that a legally licensed adult accompany the person who is driving with a learner's permit.

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If you are going for a 2,000 calorie diet, at least 25 grams. If you have a 2,500 calorie diet, at least 35 grams.

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700 calorie diets can be safe if monitored correctly by a professional. However, most adult human beings should consume over 1,000 calories.

How much energy an adult use jogging for 30minutes?

That all really depends on a person's metabolic rate to begin with, as well as intensity of how how you jog. The best way to find out is to get a heart monitor, put it on, and go. Then, you'll know the answer for your own body. Around 300 - 400 calories per half hour. The calorie use is the same if you run or walk.

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You are never required to evict someone.

How many calorie does a Canadian adult eat in 1 day?

daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women and 2550 for men.

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Yes, in most cases, you need permission from the court to act as someone's litigation guardian. The court will consider the best interests of the person needing representation before granting permission, which may involve evaluating the relationship between the individual and the proposed guardian.

What is amdr for fat?

10-35% of your daily calorie intake or approx. 0.8 g/kg for the average adult