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They can pull a full grown human.

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Q: How much can Shetland Ponys hold?
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Related questions

Where can shetland ponys be found?

Well, Shetland Ponies originated in the Shetland Isles, and they are still found in the U.K. (United Kingdom).

How long is a shetland ponys pregnancy?

gestation period of shetland pony is 48 to 49 weeks.

Is a fallabella a pony?

No it is not a pony it is a breed of miniature horse. It is bred from Shetland ponys, Welsh Ponys and small Thoroughbreds.

What is the history of the Shetland pony?

shetland pony is a very old breed but the ancestors are uknown. Most likely they are closely reletated to the ponys from scandanvië

Can ponys eat potatoes?

Sure! Some Shetland pony's even like French fry's! It won't hurt them to have potatos, but they should not only have that.

What is a shetland ponys habitat?

Shetland Pony's are rough little pony's that don't require allot of space. A normal horse needs about 50M2 of pasture and a shetland only 30. They don't like stables very much. So they are usually outside.

How many foals can shetland ponys have at once?

Shetland ponies, like all equine typically can only have one foal at a time, however they can have twins and triplets. Multiple births in equines are quite rare and can cause problems with both the mare and the foals.

What is a ponys habitats?

Shetland Pony's are rough little pony's that don't require allot of space. A normal horse needs about 50M2 of pasture and a shetland only 30. They don't like stables very much. So they are usually outside.

Are shetland ponys in Scotland?

The original Shetland pony was isolated on the Shetland islands (north Scotland). Poor conditions and lack of food resulted in small, compact, hardy and heavy coated pony. Shetlands are now distributedthroughout most of the world and have been modified from their original stocky physiques into several different subtypes that vary in size, bone and movement.

How much food do ponys eat in 1 year?

More then 1000 pounds

How much does a Shetland pony weigh in kg?

If you have a 290 kilo horse (which is the average weight of a Shetland) he/she can hold up to a 70 kilo person. Keep in mind the height of the horse/pony as well you may end up with your feet dragging on the ground.

What are all the types of ponys?

Haflinger, Sorraia, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Welsh Mountain, New Forest, Welsh Cob, Highland, Shetlands, Dales, Fell, Connemara, Fjord, Caspian, Riding Pony, Pony of the americas, American Shetland,