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Q: How much can an two ox pull yoked together?
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Can two horses working together pull more than the sum of two single horses?

Yes, they can pull as much wait as the sum of 20 horses.

What is the definition of unequally yoked in the Bible?

The actual definition is "differently yoked". Reading AROUND the passage will give us the sense of the meaning. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)Like so many, this illustration is based on agricultural life.If two animals of different size and strength become yoked together, both will suffer. Similarly, a 'believer' and an 'unbeliever', who are 'yoked together' by marriage, or close ties, will undoubtedly face friction and difficulties....their priorities in life will not match, and pain and discomfort will likely result. (1 Corinthians 15:33)

What does the root word zygous mean?

Zygous comes from the Greek root zygos, meaning 'yoked', that is 'linked together' as one does horses or oxen to pull a vehicle. It can loosely be thought of as 'part of a pair'. Thus we have a homozygous individual who has two identical alleles in a pair, or a heterozygous one which has two different alleles. We also see the root in 'zygote', a fertilised egg, because it is formed from two gametes joined together.

Can gravity pull two objects together?

Yes, gravity will pull any two objects together in the absence of other forces. We don't notice this happening in everyday life because other forces such as friction are much bigger and mask the effects.

Why did people use yoke on oxen?

A span* of oxen yoked together ploughed slightly more than twice as much as a single ox with a rather poor harness, and still needed only one man to handle them. * a span is two.

How many bullocks were commonly used in a bullock team?

Bullock wagons or oxen wagons were often drawn by teams. The teams were usually yoked together in pairs of two.

What is the force that pulls object together?

gravity will pull two objects together

What happens when a slab sinks?

Slab pull occurs when two plates stick together.

Does the earths pull make earthquakes?

No, it it is when two plates come together in a sudden shift.

What happens when two different poles of magnets are brought together?

The two magnets will pull together.They Stick togetherattract

How do you unhook bra?

In the bag just pull the two bands closer together and pull apart

What is the definition of equally yoked?

I think to answer your question it would help to understand what an unequal yoke is. II Corinthians 6:14 tells us to not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. In the Bible days when people would plow their fields they would use an equal yoke. Which simply meant they would use two oxen, or two cows, two mules, etc... It was an equal yoke so the animals would pull a straight line. If you put an ox and a mule together it would be crooked. Christians are not to yoke together with unbelievers. That doesn't mean that we are supposed to shut everyone out of our life that isn't a Christian, but it means that those closest to us should be of the same faith that we are. Also don't think that God is concerned about whether you marry a rich man/woman or what ever other social reason. God is not concerned about any of this and this is a misunderstanding about being unequally yoked. God is concerned about your faith first and foremost. I truly believe that equally yoked is so simple that we miss the whole idea. It simply means that THE MOST HIGH has set everything into motion and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Answer The chaste for the chaste, The adulterer for the adulterer, the fornicator for the fornicator etc. this way no partner can hold any past doings over their partners head, because the have committed the same offense.