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There is no universal list. You need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

There is no universal list. You need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

There is no universal list. You need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

There is no universal list. You need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

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There is no universal list. You need to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

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Swelling and nerve damage can result from?

Trauma, injury to the affected area.

What neural injury will the corneal reflex not test for?

damage to cranial nerve II

what are the common causes of nerve pain and nerve damage?

Many causes of nerve pain or damage or due to some type of injury to the spinal column, like a slipped disc. Sometimes a pinched nerve can cause excruciating pain too.

What would cause your upper lip to pulsate?

facial injury, nerve damage,vitamin deficiency

What is the difference between foot drop due to sciatic nerve injury and common peroneal nerve injury?

no difference except for the sensory supply. if you damage your sciatic nerve, the sensory and muscle supply above the knee also lost as the sciatic nerve is damage. This is because common peroneal nerve is the brach of sciatic and it is at level of your knee. Only muscle and sensory below the knee level will be affected if you damage the common peroneal nerve. However the condition of foot drop would be the same

What is the definition of nerve damage?

Nerve damage is when the nervous system is compromised in some way, either by damage to the nerves themselves or to the spinal cord. It is caused by an injury to the relevant part of the body. It can cause pain, tingling sensations and numbness.

What potential danger results from nerve damage caused by leprosy?

The loss of sensation in the fingers and toes increases the risk of injury.

When was Nerve Damage created?

Nerve Damage was created in 2004.

Explain the pathogenesis of entrapment syndromes like carpal tunnel syndrome?

Damage to the median nerve in the wrist, causing pain and muscle atrophy in the territory of the nerve. The damage can be the result of Repetitive Stress Injury, tumors, Connective Tissue Disorders, among others.

What happens if a shoulder labrum tear is not repaired?

You'll have pain when moving your shoulder. The injury could worsen and nerve damage could be possible.

Which cranial nerve is damaged due to a medial strabismus injury?

Medial strabismus is caused by cranial nerve damage. There is no such thing as a medial strabismus injury that causes a nerve to be damaged, rather the damaged nerve causes strabismus. A strabismus refers to the misalignment of the eyes or a deviation in gaze. A medial strabismus would be the result of damage to the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI). CNVI innervates the lateral rectus muscle of the eye, which pulls the eye laterally. Therefore, if this nerve is damaged, the eye is no longer able to pull laterally, and the tonus of the medial rectus muscle acts unopposed. This pulls the eye medially, causing medial strabismus.

Do you still have a stretch reflex with a cervical nerve injury?

Yes, you may still have a stretch reflex with a cervical nerve injury.